Ke-E1-W3200 Positron Accelerator Cannon

The Ke-E1-W3200 Positron Accelerator Cannon was created as the primary weapon system for the Hayai-Class Gunboat, it became available in YE 32.

Cannon deployed

The Ke-E1-W3200 when not in use retracts into the ship, and protective armor shielding is put in place. Retraction allows the weapon to be stowed during atmospheric travel, and serviced by the crew while in space. The Ke-E1-W3200 is a redesign of the Ke-D6-W3200 Positron Accelerator Cannons for use on the Hayai-Class Gunboat. Its stats are the same except for the weapons Firing Arc.

:!: Anti-matter weapons should not be used in atmospheres.