Table of Contents

YSS Soyokaze Symbols and History

The YSS Soyokaze logo, motto, name, and condensed history can be found below.

Ship Culture and Identity

Ship Emblem

The Soyokaze emblem consists of

Ship IRN

The ship's Imperial Registry Number is NJ-9SF-1015.

Ship Motto

The Soyokaze's motto is “Interpretatur Purificatio ire viam, de omnibus terris ad ablutionem peccatorum.” “To walk the path of the clensing, to wash the sins from our lands”

The motto refers to the crew's duty to help rescue and save all people from scourge of the NMX and others who have taken to pray on colonies post war.

Ship Name

そよ風, The Gentle Breeze. The refreshing wind that washes a field clean. Just like The Soyokaze will wash the planets clean of the NMX taint

Ship Song

Ship History

The following lists of events are in chronological order.

The Soyokaze has launched, and jumped into system. Combat between the Soyo's fleet and the systems NMX defense ships. Shuttle and combat fighters launched, shuttle on its way to the Moon with the refugees, and NMX listening post.

Combat drop ship launched with ground force to take the listening post. Post taken and the refugees recovered.

Ship fought a virus that was sweeping the ship, and making everyone sick.

Current: Leave for the crew, New postings for some, and The ship's new commander works through paper work and interviews.