Table of Contents

Fleet Information Center


The Fleet Information Center (FIC) is the heart and soul of the Ascendancy’s ability to coordinate the Fifth Fleet and process the vast amount of data gathered from every ship within the operational zone. While not as vital to the Ascendancy as the bridge, the FIC is the most vital room on the ship for the Fleet and its numerous battle-groups as a whole. Without the FIC, the 5th XF would loose a vital edge in its ability to manage its strategy with speed and clarity.

The room itself is contained within the dome on the Ascendancy’s outer hull. A multi-tiered cylinder, the FIC has little gravity and is arranged as a series of platforms leading up to the domed roof. Chairs and consoles line the room and the center is dominated by a large volumetric display screen capable of detailing objects down to the smallest detail for the benefit of those in the FIC.

All stations have:

Have small storage drawers for:

Systems Description


The Fleet Analysis and Control Terminals are a subsystem dedicated to the management of the 5th XF’s numerous battle-groups. At consoles around the room, each taskforce is assigned a dedicated liaison officer; providing the entire fleet with a direct link to command and control. Coupled with PANTHEON’s objective analysis, this better allows the Ascendancy to make the vital decisions needed to win a battle.

Each FACT is characterised by a single SPINE equipped, high-backed chair. A quick-release safety harness is hidden in the chair’s sides to keep the operator secure in times of violent combat. The chair itself is made of synthetic materials and not only forms to the shape of its occupant but helps to keep them secure and comfortable. The patch of the battle-group each FACT is responsible for is woven onto the back of each chair. While most of the work here is done through the SPINE, manual consoles almost completely encircle each station (only a small gap is left for entrance) and help to keep track of the sheer volume of data processed here. It’s not uncommon to find FACTs completely surrounded by volumetric windows.


The Fleet Information Centre Tactical Interface and Organisational Network is the programme that makes the FIC possible. Monitored by three dedicated information specialists, FICTION organises, prioritises, and processes the vast amount of information that floods into the FIC. Every –IES system in the fleet passes through this programme before it reaches the Ascendancy’s Bridge – ensuring that the command staff can make the most rational, most informed decisions they can.

Identical to the FACT's chairs, the FICTION stations are also comfortable and secure. The single major difference is the level of interface between these three stations. Almost perpetually linked, FICTION operators tend to quickly form strong blood-bonds with their fellow monitors and can commonly be seen carrying on conversations with their sisters even from across a room without missing a beat.

Fleet Communication Consoles

Coupled with the communication stations on the bridge, these consoles are responsible for handling a portion of the comms traffic received by the Ascendancy. Generally speaking, these stations handle lower priority traffic that is nonetheless still important enough to routed to the fleet’s flagship.

Due to the amount of traffic forwarded through the communication consoles, these stations have an additional feature not found at the FACT or FICTION consoles - headsets. Built with the SAoY's Mindy-blue metal, these headsets settle snugly around the back of the head and fit comfortably over both ears. Containing a companion AI, the comsets augment the user's natural telepathy. Capable of managing potentially a dozen different conversations at once, it isn't uncommon to see comset neko gradually loose their ability to speak normally - complaining that talk is “too slow” and much preferring to use their telepathy for even simple things.

Science Attachment

While the Ascendancy itself lacks the dedicated facilities to be classified as a science vessel by any stretch of the imagination, it still needs officers trained to interpret unusual data. Each science station contains a small, dedicated volumetric display built to the right of to render items and phenomena in absolute detail. Of course, the volumetric projector can display anywhere within the Science Attachment's area so it is theoretically possible to practically redecorate the station, but of course no self-respecting scientist would do that.

Sensor Analysis Stations

Dedicated solely to prioritise and sort the sensor information from an entire fleet, these stations are responsible for handling a near overwhelming wealth of information at any one time. The combined data of dozens upon dozens of –IES units is processed here before being transferred back out to the fleet.