Standard Star Army Post Office

Starbases, planetary facilities, and large vessels that the crew spend significant periods of time away from a base often have a Star Army Post Office. It is a place where crew members can receive packages and mail, and ship the same back home. Convenient envelopes and packages can be purchased from the post office as well. The mail is brought to the vessel by Star Army Logistics along with routine ship resupply. The personnel working in this section, inspect all packages to ensure they do not contain hazardous or contraband items.

The Post Office has two compartments: the customer desk and the mail room.

Customer Desk

The front room has a counter that cuts across the room with openings for the clerks to take care of customers. This is where the crew members come to pick up or drop off their postal items. When the post office is closed or no clerk is available for a given window the window is closed for security purposes.

Mail Room

This room has two sections; the incoming and outgoing mail areas. The incoming mail area consists of shelves with small boxes where individual mail can be placed. Larger incoming items are stored in a larger bin for such items.

The outgoing mail area is a secured section where mail is kept until the next Star Army Logistics ship arrives.

All mail is run through a mail scanner that checks it with x-rays and chemical analysis, for security and contraband.