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Ryasou'temygo (Death Wraiths)

The Ryasou'temygo (Death Wraits) were the species that drove the former empire of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo to near extinction.

About the Ryasou'temygo

The common Clan member of today knows the broad strokes of the history of the Death Wraiths, but precious few details about their appearance, their culture, or their technology. The specifics of those subjects are not taught in the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Instead, Clan members often find it sufficient to say that the Death Wraiths were supremely powerful, and they earned their many victories over the old Qaktoro Empire. It is also notable that it was the allies of the Qaktoro Empire who provoked the Death Wraiths by attacking them. The Qaktoro Empire was drawn into the war by virtue of its alliances, and was brought to its knees as a result.

The Clan has not encountered signs of the Death Wraiths for the many centuries since a group of survivors led by Kotoz Mui fled Otâgolisoy (Birth world) as part of the Norka (The Exodus). Despite this, many of the Clain still see the Death Wraiths as a potential threat.

Ismâo Ryasou'temygo (The Search for Wraiths of Death)

In YE 43, the famous WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk) Plot embarked on a clandestine mission to seek out signs of the Wraiths of Death.1)2)

OOC Notes

This mission was the last Yome mission that Nashoba ran before his passing. The plot was never completed.