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Nightmare Psychology

This article provides insight to how the average Nightmare Type Mishhuvurthyar thinks.


Despite incorporating genetics from both species, in terms of personality Nightmares most strongly take after the Mishhuvurthyar, rather than the Nekovalkyrja. They have little-to-no resemblance to the terrorized NMX Neko slaves used as cannon fodder for the Mishhvurthyar war-machine.

Individual motivations for Nightmares often vary between a desire for personal power or status, pursuing outlets for their sadistic tendencies or a desire to extend the supremacy and the territories of the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift.

Nightmare's are genetically predisposed towards aggression and hostile behavior, which is further reinforced by the Mishhuvurthyar culture that encourages a Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest mentality amongst its members. Weakness of any kind is despised, strength and great ability are admired– a Nightmare only shows loyalty to those who are proven capable and worthy of such deference. Even so, any signs of weakness are often immediately seized upon and exploited for ones own personal advantage.


Whilst able to work co-cooperatively if required, all Nightmare's generally show a measure of caution or suspicion with others of their own kind due to the highly competitive nature of their society, potential for treachery and the desire for personal advancement. It is possible for Nightmare's to attain a level of trust or respect for other Mishhuvurthyar – but generally its only towards those proven capable or worthy of deference. Even then, their feelings towards others of their own kind will always be tempered by a bit of healthy paranoia.

Whilst most Nightmares view members of other species as little more than food-animals – there are sometimes rare exceptions to this when non-mishhuvurthyar individuals manage to repeatedly prove their prowess and ability. They will always be regarded as inferior, though.


All Mishhuvurthyar are encouraged to be aggressive and highly competitive. They are collectors of corpses and see the smell of death as a sign of power; thus, their lairs are usually pretty repugnant to most humanoids and are decorated with an assortment of bodily remains. Deep-rooted parts of their culture are to never be ruled in any way by an outsider, to fight when things don't go their way (or when simply frustrated), and to generally act is a sadistic fashion towards all other species.

Arguments or disagreements are generally settled through physical combat, and even within the government Mishhuvurthyar fight to present their arguments or viewpoints to the 'Eyfrlurpjakar' through organized tournaments.