Table of Contents

Bloody Claws Class Roster

This page lists all student of the Bloody Claws (She'na Academy) and available positions.

Class Roster

The list below lists all students in the class, the list goes in a descending order from primary to secondary students.

Available Positions

The Bloody Claws is currently open, it doesn't have positions, and accepts any characters between the ages of 12 and 16:

This plot is the only civilian plot for the Neshaten, and thus is open.


This plot requires players to play kid characters between the ages of 12 and 16, older characters can only be done if the player already has a character in another plot in the faction, such as the NSV-Gam'trosha.

Unassigned Players

Class Assignments

Lists the seat number of the character and any special notes. There are nine seats currently in the classroom, although this can be expanded to twenty if the need arises.

Class Housing

This lists what room the student sleeps in, male and female students can be in the same room provided the student doesn't mind it. The class house has several bedrooms; each bedroom has room for two students each, and the class president has her own room, which makes eleven bedrooms. All bedrooms, with the exception of the one used by the class president, are co-ed.

Room Assigned Notes
1 Aka'ashe'na Suha'laisne Afraid of the dark
5 Bush'tail Ra'chel None
10 Bu'lla Mata'ri Dislikes non-Laibe
7 Kaui'ahe Syuah'he'mane None
3 Got Ti Domo Voi Vin Cent None

Former Classmates

This lists all former classmates, or players whom have gone inactive or have pulled out. These characters are transferred to the Bloody Claws sister classes.