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80mm Mini Missiles

The 80mm Mini Missiles are a standardized form of Mini Missile made for use by Osman Heavy Industries and Sky Guard. They are chemically propelled miniature missiles with various warheads and systems. They work with the Kernel Mini Missile System and were developed alongside it in YE 39.

More missiles will be added as they are designed.

High Explosive Anti Armor

High Explosive Anti-Armor mini-missiles, or HEAA are the go-to missiles for the Kernel Mini Missile System, and are fairly effective in most roles. HEAA mini-missiles are also highly agile, with built-in guidance and sensor systems. After firing, each missile tracks its assigned target with its sensors. If ECM is encountered, they switch over to visual tracking as a backup.

HEAA mini-missiles are 10 centimeters long and 8 centimeters in diameter. The first four centimeters of the missile are used to store the chemical propellant, which is cheap and powerful. The next four centimeters are devoted to computing and sensors. The final two centimeters are used to holding the shaped HE warhead.

The HEAA mini missile is a highly versatile, accurate and agile design effective against targets mecha sized or smaller.


OOC Notes

Alex Hart created this article on 2017/04/27 08:34.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: missiles
DR v3 maxTier 6
5 km