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Nomad FAR

The Nomad Flying Assistant Robot is an advanced drone developed as an evolution of the EM-J5 FARS line of UAVs. Its inception stemmed from the collective effort of an open-source community, aiming to address limitations in proprietary platforms. The Nomad’s open architecture invites innovation, allowing for a bespoke adaptation to various missions—from scientific research and exploration to logistics and advanced combat roles. The project was first released to the public in YE 43.

Nomenclature: (Display Nomenclature if applicable)
Manufacturer: Open-Source Community Initiative, Yamatai Star Empire
Fielded by: Various Private and Public Entities
Damage Rating (Version 3) Tier 2
Production Level Limited Production
Pricing Price 150 KS for base components, Modules vary

Technical Specifications

Function and Design

The main body contains the main control board, AI, avionics, data storage, battery, power induction system and control radio. The default main control board has slots for 6 additional expansions, though if more are required other control boards can be used.

The underside of the main body has a pair of mounting rails that run parallel along its length which allow for modules to be attached. Most modules have rails for additional attachments, though some are better positioned at the bottom or side of a module stack. Modules need not conform to this however, and many hobbyist create their own methods of attaching modules, or create a single larger module with multiple functions. A cable at the back of a module then runs into the main body where it connects to an expansion port.

Lift is provided by 2 antigravity emitter foils, one on each side of the main body. Each foil is connected via two struts which can slide down the length of the foil and cause them to collapse, reducing the width of the device for storage.

Additional Modules

The drone's modular design has sparked a renaissance in custom attachment development, fostering a vibrant community of creators and engineers. Popular modules span a wide spectrum, from enhanced sensory packages for environmental monitoring to sophisticated weapon systems for defense applications.

Civilian Attachments

In civilian circles, the Nomad has revolutionized tasks from agriculture to emergency response. The cargo and manipulator modules, in particular, have seen widespread adoption, demonstrating the drone's utility in delivering critical supplies and performing precision tasks in hazardous environments. As the code base and designs are open source anyone with the know how can build custom modules, below are some of the more common ones. Each one tends to cost 200 KS in materials

Environmental Monitoring Module

Purpose and Role: This module equips the Nomad with sensors for air quality, radiation, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors. It's ideal for monitoring pollution levels, climate research, and disaster area assessment.


Agriculture Enhancement Module

Purpose and Role: Designed to support precision agriculture, this module includes multispectral imaging for crop health assessment, soil moisture sensors, and automated systems for targeted pesticide and nutrient delivery.


Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Module

Purpose and Role: This module provides the Nomad with thermal imaging, a vital tool for search and rescue operations. It has also found use by private security firms and Star Army field operatives and infantry.


3D Mapping and Surveying Module

Purpose and Role: Aimed at professionals in construction, archaeology, and land management, this module provides high-resolution cameras and LIDAR sensors for creating detailed 3D maps and models of landscapes, buildings, and historical sites.


Delivery and Logistics Module

Purpose and Role: This module is designed for the efficient transport and delivery of goods, featuring secure cargo compartments and advanced navigation systems to ensure timely delivery in urban and rural settings. This module has also found wide adoption with the Star Army, both for its ability to drop ordinance on the enemy and deliver supplies to allies.


Entertainment and Media Module

Purpose and Role: Catering to filmmakers, event organizers, and content creators, this module includes high-definition cameras, stabilizing gimbals, and live-streaming capabilities for capturing and sharing high-quality video and images.


Infrastructure Inspection Module

Purpose and Role: This module assists in the regular inspection and maintenance of infrastructure, including bridges, power lines, and wind turbines, with high-resolution cameras and sensors to detect wear, corrosion, and structural integrity.


Star Army Attachments

The Nomad's adaptability has not gone unnoticed by the Star Army of Yamatai, which has tailored the platform for specific tactical applications. Multiple departments have developed modules for the platform, many of which are restricted to certain occupations. Most Star Army Attachments are either multi role. In these cases supporting more than two begins to adversely affect battery life with each additional module above 2 reducing run time by 20%. This can be mitigated by turning of modules or even particular sensors. Each military grade module tends to cost around 500 KS in materials, though can be requisitioned for service by units meeting requirements.

Specialized Communications Interface (SCI) Module

Purpose and Role: The Specialized Communications Interface module replaces the standard control transmitter and Central Processing Unit of the device. It is designed to facilitate secure, encrypted communications between the FAR Nomad and the Star Army's PANTHEON hierarchy of systems as well as Nekovalkyrja inbuilt communications networks. It is also responsible for encrypting onboard data storage. This module ensures the integrity and confidentiality of operational data, command and control messages, and intelligence sharing across platforms. To an individual Nekovalkyrja interfacing with the SCI, the Nomad becomes an additional limb.

Technical Specifications:

Operational Use: The SCI module is critical for coordinating multi-domain operations, enabling seamless communication between drones, ground forces, space assets, and command centers. It enhances the operational effectiveness of the Star Army by ensuring secure and reliable communications even in contested environments.

Restrictions: Given its strategic importance, the SCI module is available solely to Star Army and affiliated entities. Its use is governed by stringent security protocols to prevent unauthorized access and ensure operational security.

Phased Energy Pulse Weapon (PEPW) Module

Purpose and Role: The Phased Energy Pulse Weapon module transforms the FAR Nomad into a compact yet formidable combat unit. Originally conceptualized for covert operations and small-scale engagements, the PEPW module is a direct adaptation of the technology used in the Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol. This module enables the drone to engage threats with precision energy blasts, providing both offensive capabilities and defensive support in hostile environments.

Technical Specifications:

Operational Use: Deployed in scenarios ranging from asset protection to targeted strikes against enemy installations, the PEPW module has proven invaluable in augmenting the tactical flexibility of Star Army units. Its integration into the Nomad allows for a seamless transition between reconnaissance and combat roles, making it a versatile tool in the arsenal.

Restrictions: Due to potential for misuse, distribution of the PEPW module is strictly controlled by Star Army command. Its use is limited to authorized personnel with the requisite security clearance and operational need.

Software Defined Radio (SDR) Module

Purpose and Role: The Software Defined Radio module endows the FAR Nomad with sophisticated signal processing capabilities. Designed for electronic warfare and intelligence missions, the SDR module can intercept, analyze, and triangulate electromagnetic signals across a wide spectrum. This capability is crucial for understanding enemy movements, communications, and electronic defenses.

Technical Specifications:

Operational Use: The SDR module is instrumental in the Star Army's electronic surveillance efforts, providing real-time intelligence and battlefield awareness. Its ability to detect and analyse EM signals makes it an essential tool for cyber-operations, counter-espionage, and strategic communications.

Restrictions: While SDR technology is fairly widespread, the range it is able to achieve for its form factor as well as the library of signals it has onboard make it a sensitive device. Access to the SDR module is restricted to units engaged in intelligence, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare operations. Its deployment is subject to strict operational protocols to safeguard sensitive information and technology.

Multi-Sensor Reconnaissance (MSR) Module

Purpose and Role: The Multi-Sensor Reconnaissance (MSR) Module is a cutting-edge sensor suite designed to significantly augment the FARS Nomad's surveillance capabilities. It integrates ground-penetrating radar, thermal tracking, sonar, and a variety of other advanced sensors, enabling the drone to detect and monitor enemy movements through air, beneath surfaces, and behind walls. This comprehensive sensor package is tailored for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions in complex environments, offering great situational awareness and target identification capabilities.

Technical Specifications

Operational Use: The MSR Module's diverse sensor array enables the FAR Nomad to conduct thorough reconnaissance in urban warfare, counter-insurgency operations, and disaster response scenarios. It excels in environments where traditional surveillance methods are limited by physical barriers or stealth requirements. The module's ability to provide detailed intelligence on enemy positions, infrastructure vulnerabilities, and environmental hazards supports strategic planning and force protection measures.

Restrictions: While individual sensors are in public use, the miniaturisation and software are considered sensitive. The MSR Module's distribution is limited to Star Army units with specialized ISR roles.

Advanced Scientific Analysis (ASA) Module

Purpose and Role: The Advanced Scientific Analysis (ASA) Module equips the FAR Nomad with a broad array of scientific sensors and analytical tools. This module is designed for comprehensive environmental analysis, biological surveying, and chemical detection, using an array of sensors. It serves a wide range of applications, from planetary exploration and environmental monitoring to disaster assessment and archaeological research. Its capabilities are on par with the Science Pad included with the Type 43 Science Kit.

Technical Specifications:

Operational Use: The ASA Module transforms the FAR Nomad into a mobile scientific laboratory, capable of conducting field research in virtually any environment. Its comprehensive sensor suite allows researchers to perform in-depth studies of ecosystems, atmospheric conditions, and geological formations without the need for extensive ground-based equipment. In disaster zones, the module can quickly assess environmental hazards, aid in search and rescue operations, and monitor recovery efforts.

Restrictions: The ASA module is available to Star Army Away team and Science team personnel, and is available to private contractors with approval.

OOC Notes

Sunny D created this article on 2024/02/01 08:43. Art generated by Midjourney

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