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A drug created and manufactured by Advancer Enterprises, it entered Advancer's pharmaceutical catalog in late YE 45. Viequiril is a bioengineered, fast-acting growth factor used specifically to combat bone and muscle mass loss.

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Year Created: YE 45
Designer / Manufacturer: Advancer Enterprises
Nomenclature: AE-N11
Price: 27 KS per 500µg/5ml vial


Viequiril was conceived to address the growing prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoporosis and muscle atrophy. These conditions are particularly common among the few remaining aging populations resistant to resleeving into younger bodies and those exposed to prolonged low-gravity environments. Advancer Enterprises initiated a specialized research program, leveraging advancements in growth factors and cellular regeneration. After years of meticulous research, clinical trials, and regulatory hurdles, Viequiril received Imperial approval in YE 45.


Viequiril is administered via subcutaneous injections, allowing for targeted treatment of affected areas. The standard starting dosage is 50 µg per injection, subject to adjustments based on patient response and the severity of the condition. The drug operates by stimulating the production of osteoblasts and myoblasts, the progenitor cells responsible for bone and muscle tissue. This makes it highly effective for treating conditions like osteoporosis, muscle wasting, and severe trauma involving loss of bone or muscle mass. Beyond its therapeutic applications, Viequiril has also found utility in post-operative care, facilitating rapid recovery of bone and muscle tissue following surgical interventions.

Side Effects

Viequiril is generally well-tolerated, but it does come with some associated risks. Common side effects include localized pain or swelling at the injection site and transient flu-like symptoms. Rarely, the drug can induce overgrowth of bone or muscle tissue, leading to functional impairment. This necessitates careful monitoring and potential dosage adjustments. Special caution is advised for patients with a history of cancer or benign growths, as Viequiril's growth-promoting effects could exacerbate these conditions.


An overdose of Viequiril poses a severe risk of excessive tissue growth, necessitating surgical intervention for removal. The overdose threshold is approximately 150µg. Immediate medical attention is crucial, and treatment may involve cessation of the drug and surgical removal of the overgrown tissue.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/09 23:33.

Approval Thread:

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass J - MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL
Drugs, Medicines, and Pharmaceuticals
Drug Name(s)Viequiril
Route of Administrationsubcutaneous (SC)
Drug ClassStem cell stimulator
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrugs
Product NameViequiril
ManufacturerAdvancer Enterprises
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)27.00 KS