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A drug created and manufactured by Advancer Enterprises, it entered Advancer's pharmaceutical catalog in late YE 45. Siariacine is a groundbreaking cerebral circulation drug developed to delay brain death in severe trauma or during complex neurological procedures.

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Year Created: YE 45
Designer / Manufacturer: Advancer Enterprises
Nomenclature: AE-N10
Price: 25 KS per 200mg/10ml vial


Siariacine was conceived in response to an urgent need for advanced treatments in neurocritical care. Advancer Enterprises, ever at the forefront of medical innovation, initiated a specialized research program. This program focused on cerebral circulation and neuroprotection, involving interdisciplinary teams of neurologists, pharmacologists, and bioengineers. After years of meticulous research, clinical trials, and iterative refinements, Siariacine was finally introduced to the market in YE 45.


Siariacine is administered intravenously, with a standard dosage concentration of 20 mg/ml. This ensures rapid and controlled effects, vital in acute neurocritical scenarios. The drug acts as a potent cerebral vasodilator while modulating brain cell metabolism. It dilates blood vessels in the brain, enhancing cerebral blood flow, and simultaneously reduces the metabolic demands of brain cells. This dual-action mechanism is invaluable in acute conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and during complex neurosurgical procedures. The drug effectively extends the 'golden hour,' providing clinicians with a broader window for life-saving interventions.

Side Effects

The primary concern associated with Siariacine is hypotension, or low blood pressure. The drug's potent vasodilatory effects can lead to a significant drop in systemic blood pressure, manifesting as symptoms like dizziness or fainting. In severe cases, this could compromise blood flow to other vital organs. Therefore, continuous blood pressure monitoring is imperative for patients undergoing treatment with Siariacine. Other potential side effects include headaches, flushing, and, in rare instances, allergic reactions. Special caution is advised for patients with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions.


An overdose of Siariacine poses a severe risk of systemic hypotension, compromising perfusion to vital organs. The overdose threshold is estimated to be 1.5 times the standard dosage concentration of 20 mg/ml. Immediate medical intervention is crucial, including the administration of intravenous fluids and vasopressors to stabilize blood pressure.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/09 23:33.

Approval Thread:

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass J - MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL
Drugs, Medicines, and Pharmaceuticals
Drug Name(s)Siariacine
Route of Administrationintravenous (IV)
Drug ClassCardiovascular
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrugs
Product NameSiariacine
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)25.00 KS