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A drug created and manufactured by Advancer Enterprises, it entered Advancer's pharmaceutical catalog in late YE 45. Oxydexanil is a potent medication formulated for the treatment of oxygen deprivation in tissues, especially in cases of traumatic injury or during surgeries.

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Year Created: YE 45
Designer / Manufacturer: Advancer Enterprises
Nomenclature: AE-N4
Price: 12 KS per 5 gram vial


Oxydexanil was born out of an urgent need to address hypoxia in both surgical and trauma care settings. Advancer Enterprises, recognizing the critical nature of this medical challenge, allocated substantial resources to the drug's research and development. The project was a collaborative effort involving anesthesiologists, trauma surgeons, and pharmacologists. Clinical trials were expedited due to the drug's potential life-saving applications. After rigorous testing and Imperial approval in late YE 45.


Oxydexanil serves as a lifeline for tissues starved of oxygen. It works by enhancing the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity and optimizing cellular oxygen utilization. This dual-action mechanism ensures that tissues under hypoxic stress are rapidly reoxygenated, thereby preventing ischemic damage. The drug is particularly useful in surgical settings where blood supply may be temporarily restricted, as well as in trauma care where rapid intervention is crucial.

The standard dosage is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight, administered intravenously. For an average adult weighing 70 kg, a dose of 3.5 grams would be appropriate. Oxydexanil is supplied in 5-gram vials, priced at 15 KS each, allowing for dosage adjustments based on individual patient needs.

Side Effects

While Oxydexanil is a medical marvel, it is not without its caveats. The most common side effects include hypertension and tachycardia as the body adjusts to the increased oxygen levels. Less commonly, patients may experience mild nausea or dizziness. Excessive dosing can lead to oxygen toxicity, a severe condition characterized by lung damage and seizures. Therefore, it is imperative that the drug is administered under strict medical supervision.


An overdose of Oxydexanil is a medical emergency. It occurs when more than 100 mg per kilogram of body weight is administered within a 24-hour period. The consequences are dire, including oxygen toxicity which can lead to seizures, lung damage, and even respiratory failure. Immediate medical intervention is required, often involving the cessation of Oxydexanil and the initiation of supportive respiratory care, including mechanical ventilation if necessary.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/09 08:02.

Approval Thread:

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass J - MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL
Drugs, Medicines, and Pharmaceuticals
Drug Name(s)Oxydexanil
Route of Administrationintravenous (IV)
Drug ClassMetabolism enhancers
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrugs
Product NameOxydexanil
ManufacturerAdvancer Enterprises
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)12.00 KS