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A drug created and manufactured by Advancer Enterprises, it entered Advancer's pharmaceutical catalog in late YE 45. Alioradone is a ground-breaking, complex medication known for its regenerative properties.

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Year Created: YE 45
Designer / Manufacturer: Advancer Enterprises
Nomenclature: AE-N31
Price: 70 KS per 2 gram tube gel or 200 KS per 2.5mg/50ml vial


Alioradone was conceived in the laboratories of Advancer Enterprises as a revolutionary solution to injuries and conditions exacerbated by extreme cold. The drug was developed in response to the increasing number of cases involving frostbite and cold-induced injuries on Fujiko, particularly among those working in harsh, low-temperature environments. After years of meticulous research and clinical trials, Alioradone was finally introduced to the market in late YE 45.


Alioradone is a unique medication that is activated by low temperatures, specifically those cooler than 170K. Once activated, the drug stimulates cell regeneration at an accelerated pace. This makes it invaluable in the treatment of frostbite, injuries sustained in extremely cold environments, and in enhancing the outcomes of cryotherapy. The drug is typically administered as a topical gel, with a standard dosage of 2 grams per application area. For cryotherapy, it may be introduced into the cryogenic solution at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.

Given its specialized nature, Alioradone is often used in conjunction with other treatments. For instance, in the case of frostbite, it may be used alongside antiseptics and other medications aimed at improving circulation. The drug is also being researched for its potential applications in the field of organ transplantation, where its regenerative properties could significantly improve graft survival rates.

Side Effects

Alioradone is generally well-tolerated, but it is not without its side effects. Some patients may experience slight tingling or numbness at the application site. This is usually a transient effect and subsides as the body acclimates to the medication. Extended use or misuse may lead to local skin discoloration, which can be irreversible in some cases.

Individuals with specific cold-related conditions or sensitivities should exercise caution when using this medication. It is strongly recommended that Alioradone be used under close medical supervision, particularly in patients with a history of skin conditions or those undergoing other forms of regenerative treatments.


Overdosing on Alioradone poses serious risks due to its potent regenerative properties. The threshold for overdose is specifically defined by the form and concentration in which Alioradone is administered. For topical applications, the standard dosage is 2 grams per application area. An overdose is likely to occur when this amount exceeds 10 grams. In cryotherapy solutions, where Alioradone is used at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, an overdose would be likely if more than 250 ml of the solution is used in a single treatment session.

These overdose thresholds are particularly critical if the drug is applied in conditions warmer than its activation temperature of 170K. In such cases, the accelerated cell regeneration can become uncontrollable, leading to abnormal tissue growths or even malignant transformations. The risk is particularly high in individuals with pre-existing cellular abnormalities or those undergoing other forms of regenerative treatments.

Immediate medical intervention is crucial in the event of an Alioradone overdose. Antidotes or counter-agents that inhibit cellular growth may be administered, but their effectiveness can vary. Surgical removal of abnormal growths may also be necessary in extreme cases.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/10 06:58.

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Drugs, Medicines, and Pharmaceuticals
Drug Name(s)Alioradone
Route of Administrationoral
Drug ClassStem cell stimulator
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesdrugs
Product NameAlioradone
ManufacturerAdvancer Enterprises
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)70.00 KS