Ooghlrashithagg Carrier

Mishhuvurthyar Ooghlrashithagg (Carrier)

Government: Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift Organization: Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (SMX) Ship Type: Long-Range Mecha Carrier Ship Class: Ooghlrashithagg Type 1 Manufacturer: SMX Fleet Yards

Crew: 1618 Mishhuvurthyar, plus various slaves. Supports up to around 34,560 persons.

Length: 2525 meters Width: 870 meters Height: 1107 meters Mass: Sensors measure the ship's mass as very, very low. Actual mass unknown.

Appearance: Long, ugly baby-diarrhea-green crusty-looking phallic mass with numerous spiral hatches on the exterior and pink accents. The ship separates in the center to fire a main cannon.

Power System: Quintessent Energy Tap and Gravimetric Drive System

Speed (Sublight): .53c Speed (Hyperspace Drive): ~55,897,786c (5LY/min) Speed (Atmospheric): Mach 1.5 Range: Supports a crew for up to 10 years through recycling.

Weapons Systems

Heavy Subspace-Encased Positron Tunneling Cannons (4): Designed to cut through any shielding and matter in a infinitesimal amount of time, this weapon (the “main gun”) gives the Mishhuvurthyar a nasty edge. The cannon penetrates distortion and repulsion shielding, ignores scalar and “hard” shields, and burrows through Zesuaium and Yamataium rather easily, while electrically draining the target ship at the same time through intense release of positive energy.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship Secondary Purpose: Assault Damage: Total destruction in a 50-meter wide circle. Range: 1 AU Rate of Fire: Twice every 15 seconds. Payload Effectively unlimited.

Medium Subspace-Encased Positron Tunneling Cannons (206): Like the main gun, these miniaturized versions are designed to cut through any shielding and matter in a short amount of time. The medium cannon also penetrates distortion and repulsion shielding, ignores scalar and “hard” shields, and burrows through Zesuaium and Yamataium rather easily, while electrically draining the target ship at the same time through intense release of positive energy.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship Secondary Purpose: Assault Damage: Extremely Heavy. Piercing. Range: 1 AU Rate of Fire: Once per second. Payload Effectively unlimited.

Quintessent Hyperspace Torpedoes (17 launchers): Launched from the ship, these torpedoes are manned by a small brain-like genetically-engineered suicide bomber which dutifully pilots the craft into an enemy ship, emerging through hyperspace near the target and smashing into it. The heavy shield systems on the torpedo allow it to pierce most ship shielding systems to get to the enemy hull. Once attached, the torpedo will quickly thrust through the armor using its positron tunneling device, and then detonate inside the enemy craft. Some torpedoes detonate with biological weapons, or even lay Mishhuvurthyar eggs.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship Secondary Purpose: Assault Damage: Extremely Heavy. Piercing. Range: 50 light-years Rate of Fire: Once per three seconds per launcher. Payload 230 torpedoes each for a total of 3910.

Scalar Wave Arrays (48): Because of the nature of this weapon, it can be especially deadly. Scalar fields can detonate ammunition or fuel, fry pilot's nervous systems, or destroy electronics; They also penetrate non-gravitic shielding. This is accomplished using electrogravitational wave interferometry.

Purpose: Anti-Starship Damage: Destroys ammo, fuel, or electronics. Kills animals. Ignores non-gravitic shields. Range: 2,000,000 miles Rate of Fire: Constant Payload Unlimited Note: Also has a stun setting for taking captives.

Attack Pods (50,000): See Mishhuvurthyar Frasworstch Battle Pod (Type 26). Officer Pods (1618): See Mishhuvurthyar Whifgurflumik Battle Pod (Type 26).

Systems Descriptions

Armor and shielding: The ship's armor mostly consists of diamond-coated plates over thin Zanarium sheet metal, backed with thick Neutronium. The armor is supplemented by an energy-dispersal/absorption field that can dissipate most energy beams shot at it, and a gravitic repulsion shield that provides notable protection against scalar attacks.

Graviton Beam Projectors (20): This device creates a stream of gravitons which can be used to tow other spacecraft. The projector is ineffective against ships using gravitonic shielding.

Slave Holding Cells: Contains 640 2-meter-wide cells for holding and supporting captured subjects. The cells have entrances in the top, where the Mishhuvurthyar can reach their tentacles down and manipulate the subjects, who can be retrain via thick straps along the walls. Each cell can restrain up to 12 human-like persons, and hold more, if necessary.

Repulsion Field Generators: In addition to being able to off-set the gravitational pull of a planet and/or star in order to maintain control, the Repulsion Field Generators are able to provide a field around the ship that “presses away” from the ship essentially. This works two-fold in that it slows the velocity of incoming ordnance as well as accelerates the outgoing ordnance. The fields can be operated at such a intensity that light itself will bend though at the cost of some of the ships other systems malfunctioning.

Quintessent Wave Differentialometer (QWD): Understanding that quintessent energy is ubiquitous within the universe and that matter and energy cannot take up the same place, systems have been placed to measure the differential space and shape of matter as it takes up space within the sea of quintessence. Given the shape and mass of the object, numerous things can be derived such as make and purpose of a ship, specific coordinates and position of the object in lieu of being tricked into a cloaking device, and direction that the object is going by the rippled wake it leaves behind.

Magnetic Resonance Scanners: Magnetic Resonance is used to identify the target hull and construction elements used to compose the ship. Provided the technology of the opposition has the necessary equipment (which they would if they're in space), samples of the vessels can be 'captured' for study of composition and energy content. The findings, if available are then cross-referenced with the AI Suite for confirmation and further details.

Long-Range Infrared Spectrometer: It's common sense, space is cold. In an environment stagnated to a temperature of only three Kelvin, the ability to give off heat and lots of it is a luxury only stars and planets often have the luxury of possessing. It goes to say then, that in the cold recesses of space, if heat is being produced and yet there isn't a celestial body, then something artificial is creating it.