NMX Butcher Room

The Butcher Room is a room used for slaughtering animals and producing useful meat and other products from them. It is usually found in an NMX Processing Facility. Traditionally butcher rooms have made sausage and pepperoni for inclusion in NMX rations, as well as bones, brains, and organs used for other NMX products such as leather and organic computers.

Down the side hall, the walkway led down into a large pit area which appeared to be some sort of industrial factory, lit mostly with dim red lights but also with white spotlights pointing at major pieces of equipment. Its tile floor was covered in drains, caked blood, and moving liquid. The equipment was composed of various conveyor belts, tables, handheld saws and butcher blades, and large machines pumping out globs of meat that were being turned into sausage. Along one wall a number of naked prisoners hung upside down from the ceiling with their legs and arms in metal cuffs. The large Mishhuvurthyar was “seated” on a platform overlooking the pit, watching over a number of Nekovalkyrja workers in blood-soaked Coveralls go about their grisly work. As each set of ten (often screaming) prisoners were wheeled in hanging on the conveyor belt, the workers would slit their throats, allowing the blood to spill over the floor. As they died, their heads were dipped into a slicing machine, severed, and the digestive tract was tied at both ends. Next, the skin was removed and the internal organs were removed and placed in sorting bins. There were piles of hearts, livers, intestines…every so often the bins would be sent off somewhere and new ones would replace them. The red carcasses were then steam-blasted, injected with a thousand needles of salt water, and then violently jerked as they were shocked with electricity. Finally, their hands and feet were severed and they were dropped into a large processor unit that tore the meat from the bones and spat that meat out into the sausage grinder. Spices and peppers slid into the grinder as it worked, and from the grinder emerged an unending tube of meat that was sliced into sausage patties. These patties went onto a metal conveyor belt slowly passing though the pit on the opposite side of the room from the screamers, heading for the oven. Sune estimated that the kill rate was probably about one person every 2 or three 3 seconds.