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Stemming from the word colluctancy this is martial art of the Kuvexian species that inhabit the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia.

More about Colluctance

Colluctance is a martial art that uses primarily grappling and crawling on people in order to choke them. The practitioners have Kuvexian Military Footwear that utilizes suction cups on the bottom of the shoes, much like those that are naturally on Kuvexians' feet. The choking bit is an acquired skill of Kuvexian martial artists as they learn.


The history of the Kuvexian martial arts usually stems from ambiguity, which alone is what creates the martial arts of the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. Known history of the martial art does not tell of the primal beginnings of the ancient art in which Kuvexians used their bodies as traps that animals were often sprung into. In time the choking and gripping with suction cups that brought the Kuvexians food became something done not alone to kill while doing it, but was practiced away from the hunt in camps, as well. Soon the practice methods began to become shared and understood throughout different communities and within hundreds of years, specific move sets known as forms had been created. A thousand years later and the first established monastery-like structure was built and lived in and the ways of the martial art were formally taught there. It is the foremost place that colluctance is taught to this day. This martial art colluctance entered main stream fighting and defense throughout Kuvexian space years ago and remains the foremost martial art of the Kuvexians.

Meditation Rituals

They must overcome a fear of the ending and death as well the futility of living. What that means is that the Kuvexians have a habit of spending time deciding on their motives to kill and embrace the ability to do so.


The rituals of the Auroppai are never torturous save for the final test of will called the Laog that entails pouring gold on the fingernails. The rest of the rituals are mild in nature, though they are taxing on the body for hours on end and are watched over by other Auroppai, usually those in the area.

The Kuvexian after having embraced the killer motives will have gold poured and etched onto their fingernails, much like a black belt obi in karate. This is done after the Kuvexian Colluctance practitioner has attained a certain great ability level and has been trained and is exemplary in all the forms. They are then called Auroppai. Aur means gold in the Kuvexian language.

Forms of the Colluctance Martial Art

Kill Moves

The moves that are called Kill Moves are grappling and choking abilities of a fully designated Auroppai. These practitioners of the style of martial art called Coluctance are able to take down others via pressure points found on the neck. Due to their intensely strong and large hands with suction cups throughout, even on the fingers, the Kuvexian armored or unarmored that knows this martial art is a threat. It does happen in some instances that the Kuvexians will also show off their abilities to not kill an opponent by keeping them alive for minutes on end while they barely have the ability to breathe as a form of torture and a way to extract information.

Power Armor Abilities

Certain practitioners know how to utilize power armor during combat, but this knowledge is not widespread as Kuvexian power armor usage is something of an ambiguity to most martial artists.

OOC Notes

Ametheliana created this article on 2017/10/06 14:27.

Approved here by Wes.