Table of Contents

Astral Vanguard Military Policy

Astral Vanguard military is defined by rigid operational standards defined into 'sections' which are considered to be a set of standards established for increasingly hostiles conditions. Combined with military law, it creates a strict code of conduct all Astral Vanguard soldiers must abide in order to ensure the good functioning of the military and an avoidance of military casualties and collateral damage to civilians.

Peacetime Deployment

Section 1: Patrol Service

Patrol Service is the main operational mode for most Astral Vanguard forces active at any given moment. During patrol service, minimal force is required and the goal is projection of force in order to maintain law and order in sectors outside of civilian law enforcement jurisdiction (.i.e: space, hostile regions such as the wastes of Mazerin and Nuocr Expanse of Maekardan). Under Section 1, the Astral Vanguard functions akin to a space-based law enforcement or coast guard service.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Section 2: Peacekeeping

Peacekeeping is defined as a passive military action in regions of lesser stability, with forces posted near or inside of unstable regions as a means of preventing civil conflict. Peacekeeping is one of the less glamorous duties given to a Vanguard, as it often places him or her in a situation of extreme unease surrounded by potentially armed insurgents for the purposes of preventing bloodshed but not actively removing the causes.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Section 3: Diplomatic Intervention

Diplomatic Intervention is the active censure of a region through the posting of more proactive military units and the deployment of diplomatic agents to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. The goal is to avoid bloodshed and use the military strictly as an insurance policy if the situation rapidly descends into a Section 4.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Section 4: Armed Intervention

Armed Interventions are 'the act of making peace'. This is contrasted with the more strictly defined Section 2, in which forces are to maintain the peace but are asked to take minimal action. In actuality, any military campaign during peacetime is considered a Section 4, although many veterans of the previous three major conflicts in recent history have grudgingly referred to their assignments as “Section 4.5” due to the more war-like conditions they encountered.

During a Section 4, the goal is to produce peace with minimal application of force. Regimes are rarely changed, and there is no active attempt at disarming the belligerents or opposition in such a conflict as the policy surrounding a Section 4 Armed Intervention does not mandate it.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Wartime Deployment

Section 5: Armed Disarmament

Armed Disarmament is lowest rated wartime deployment for Astral Vanguard forces. Here, the goal is the actively remove the ability of a weaker or technologically backwards rogue nation to wage war effectively. Precision warfare and high volumes of firepower are key, as the Astral Vanguard will always prioritize military installations and anti-orbital defenses, as well as any weapons caches, but leave industry and civilian centers untouched.

Although they have had limited action in this purpose, most of the wartime options have been heavily discussed and planned by the top brass.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Section 6: Show of Force Diplomacy

When negotiations fail and a war is inevitable, the Vanguard resorts to single or series of extreme shows of force on high-value military installations belonging to the enemy nation. The goal is to break the characteristic strengths of the enemy and press them into a corner to resume diplomatic talks. Section 6 can be considered an extension of Section 5 as the goal is always to resolve the conflict before it has gained too much momentum and create a peace.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards

Section 7: Defense of the Homeland

If a campaign takes a turn for the worse and the situations escalates into a Section 7, the Astral Vanguard shifts goals to more desperate defense of the homeland, pulling back forces to settled systems and doing as much as possible to hold the line. By this point, the Commonwealth will often sue for peace or attempt to gain support from other nations.

There has been no Section 7 deployment in known Iromakuanhe history.

Operational Conditions

Operational Standards