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Buvory (Lizard)

This page contains information on the primary food protein source of the Otâgolisoy (Birth world); the Buvory lizard. They were native to and brought with the clan during the Norka (The Exodus). Other common foods of the Clan can be found here.


The Buvory (būvōrī) is a primary protein used by the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. The Buvory are about 2 meters long, and about .5 meters at the shoulder. Buvory are omnivorous. This makes them a valuable food asset as they can be feed vegetable and meat. They resemble large bearded lizards. Their skin is an orange with red flecks. They have bright yellow eyes. The buvory lifespan is typically 20 years, although only breeding or wild ones do so. A buvory is considered mature at two years. A breeding female will produce 100 at a laying.

Tao Buvory (Lizard egg)

Tao Buvory (tăō būvōrī) eggs of the Buvory are as a food item. They are roughly the size of goose eggs (3 inch length, and 6 inch diameter. The eggs are eaten boiled, picked or added to a meal as a component.

OOC Notes