Table of Contents

Elysian Military Equipment

The following list of equipment consists of items that were used by the Elysian Celestial Navy prior to its dissolution in AD MMMMIII (AD 4003/YE 32).


For a list of starships and small craft that were used by the Elysian Celestial Navy, see Starship Classes of the Elysian Celestial Navy.


This section lists the types of drones that were used by the Elysian Celestial Navy.


This section lists the types of Seraphim that were used by the Elysian Celestial Navy.

Personal Gear

This section lists the equipment that members of the Elysian Celestial Navy were able to utilize.

Similar to militaries in real life, the Elysian Celestial Navy owned practically all of the equipment its forces used. Equipment was issued to personnel for their use, however, personnel changing assignments or leaving the Elysian Celestial Navy were legally required to return any equipment issued to them.


Body Armor

Power Armor


Small Arms

This section lists the small arms and munitions that were used by members of the Elysian Celestial Navy.

See also: Elysian Ammunition, munitions, weapons




Grenades & Grenade Launchers

Melee Weapons



OOC Notes

updated this article on 2018/07/02 18:00 after receiving approval from Wes on 2018/06/30 07:05.