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Unwetter Infantry Missile Launcher

Type: Infantry Missile Launcher Model: IML-01 Unwetter Designer: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer Government: Abwehran Star Empire Organizations:

Dimensions: 40 cm. Mass: 30 kg. Range: depends on missiles but is on average 10,500 to 20,000 meters Discharge: 1 micro-missile every 20 seconds. Firing Modes: Missile/Mortar Magazine: Half-Backpack magazine Capacity: Five Micro-missiles

History & Description

The first and only Infantry Missile Launcher, it too is limited to Powered Armor and turret emplacement use like the ILC-01. The basic concept of the Infantry Missile Launcher is a missile is launched into the air with its propulsion system and then guided by a laser that is produced by the Launcher. The user can then guide the missile on a trajectory out of anti-missile fire and towards its intended target. The launcher magazine is in a half-backpack format and takes up half of the back adapter of a Dämon Powered Armor. This gives the Armor the ability to hold two IML-01s. Unfortunately, due to the heavier weight of the Launcher and magazine combined, the soldier must be kneeling to fire. This means any infantryman carrying the IML-01s must be protected by his squad mates as he lines up for a shot. The magazine is also replaceable, but needs a second person to carry and replace the magazines.

Like the ILC-01, the IML-01 has yet to have any combat testing due to its singular mission parameters. However, the types of micro-missiles that can be used are high-explosive, EMP, and even fusion. This gives it the punch it needs to take out most aircraft used by militaries.