Gauss Ammunition/Power Module

Used in conjunction with either the 20mm Gatling Gauss Cannon or the 50mm Gauss Cannon, the Gauss Ammunition/Power Module has a variable interior to handle both sizes of ammunition and a Nuclear Battery of its own to provide just enough power for the magazine.

Developed by Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer in AF 260 (YE 34), the Ammunition Section's interior is approximately 80 cm in height, 80 cm in width, and 40 cm deep (though a small indention is there for the Module to fit over the Jäger's backpack battery) with the ability to store 7,840 20x80mm rounds or 498 50x200mm rounds. The Battery Section is located on top of the Ammunition Section and to the left of the Weapon Connection Port with dimensions of nearly 10 cm in height, 70 cm wide, and 20 cm deep. The entire Module is lined with 5 centimeters of Durandium to make the total dimensions of the Module 85 cm in height, 85 in width, and 45 centimeters at its deepest point.