Table of Contents

The YNNX Nekosoldat Caste System

Within the Yuukan Republic, every NH29/YNNX-2 Nekosoldat citizen is continuously tested for their loyalty to the state, and their religious devotion to the holy sleeping empress. Such is the nature of a new republic, that is perpetually under threat of invasion, insurrection or economic collapse- The vast majority of citizens are either poor pitiable 'unenlightened' workers who need to be protected from their own 'simple' ideas of about the universe, or infantry soldiers who have taken upon mortal risk in order to prove themselves as worthy citizens to the empire. The highest wrungs are priestesses and political officers, who have tested high enough to live in relative luxury, but are surrounded by other religious sociopaths constantly looking for weakness and lack of virtue in their close comrades.

It's worth noting that whilst individual aptitudes are capitalized upon by rigorous training regimes and psychological conditioning, there is actually very little genetic difference between the castes.

With resources being at a low and sheer weight of bodies being the republic's chief strength, this system is designed to control and regulate a large standing army, rather than create fearsome but untrustworthy smaller teams.

Infantry Type


General infantry are by far the most numerous component of the entire culture. Each one lives a simple life of constant drills and combat practice, mirroring the old days before the revolution. Each one is indoctrinated to believe that Nekovalkyrja are inherently superior, and unsupported fieldcraft is the ultimate expression of this.

Aggressive and self-sufficient, a life without futuristic luxuries has made them hardy and adaptive. The fiery heart of a young Nekosoldat bearing only the primitive yet oversized Kingsbane rifle can be a deadly thing to even the most technologically complex enemies, especially when deployed in ambush or with overlapping fields of fire.

As they get more experienced and their skills more specialised, the armoury opens up. Fanatically loyal but emotionally unstable individuals might find themselves gifted poison gas grenades, flame throwers or heavier armour by their quartermasters. For those with a strong back and a hard head, shotguns, Panzer Fausts, even wheeled artillery pieces, or neko-portable nuclear missile launchers are available.

Acts of valour in the field can see them reassigned to better units in the form of armoured divisions, air bike cavalry squads, the space navy, or the rare hard suit squads. Almost all land vehicles are operated by them, from tanks to transport trucks or armoured trains.

Typical Equipment:

Administrant (Political Officer/Courtesan) Type


Having passed all adherence exams and showing an incredibly single minded strength of faith, Administrants the gilded hands of the cult of Michuru itself, passing judgement on others, uprooting dissent, and inspiring acts of courage in the less pure masses. They have many special permissions and benefits above the law, and conduct their training and preparations within the halls of lavish capital buildings which also serve as special temples to the sleeping goddess.

This type of Nekosoldat is also divided into two 'hands'- The first being the right hand, the Political Officers, who are frequently battle scared war veterans and dedicated hunters of corruption. They are assigned to battle groups to inspire dedication through fear, and have the power to demote or execute any lesser officer on the spot. Commanders must also rely on their special permissions to access favourable supply lines, new vehicles and occasionally retinues of specialists equipped for specific missions. Political Officers are also the only soldiers with knowledge about secret codes and number stations, crucial for organising large scale YNNX forces.

Typical Equipment:

Courtesans are the left hand, darling figureheads and priestesses who enhance a force's adherence to the cult, by bearing holy relics such as banners, sacred instruments, and arcane ceremonial weapons. They are considered the outward voice of Michuru, and disobeying their soft-worded 'suggestions' is an incredibly strong taboo. They can call in favours and hold invisible political sway in ways that no other Nekosoldat can, and function as ambassadors and intermediaries to outsiders.

Almost all propaganda is focused on them, to the point Courtesans themselves can feel overly protected and stifled- Lacking traditional markings by decree, many take to tattooing their bodies with complex visages of flowers, snakes or religious symbols in order to prove their toughness without wasting the lives of overly protective bodyguards in combat. They can, in fact, be rather deadly with a sword or a pistol, simply because their soft and practiced feminine majesty makes their deft movements difficult to predict.

Typical Equipment:

Worker Element Type

Less visible than the legions of soldiery, but none the less making up a massive quantity of Yuukan society, the workers of the YNNX are coddled into vast farming and manufacturing complexes that are as strictly controlled and regulated as prisons. After all, those who are assigned to this class are those that rank the lowest on their loyalty ratings, which means they surely must be gullible simpletons, uninitiated outsiders, and violent degenerates which have still yet to be taught the truth of Michuru's way.

Most are either newly fabricated nekosoldat, or outsiders that have recently been converted into one, though dangerous political aberrants are sometimes demoted down to this caste too. They perform many roles not directly related to physical combat efforts, such as catering, cleaning and logistical organization.

Most have little more than a mesh bunk in a tiny secluded box room to consider their own. Usage of their digital brains for things like transmissions or recording is highly restricted through software, and the amount of items they are allowed to own is also paired down to what might fit in a storage locker. Good behaviour may result in transfer to an infantry role, or even straight up to courtesan status if their conviction is clear enough. On the other hand, intentional laziness, inconsistency, violence, verbal disrespect or subterfuge can immediately result in harsh discipline. This often takes the form of temporary blindness, or removal of the ability to speak for a set period of time. Long term minor offenders are sometimes simply fitted with a special collar bearing the YNNX insignia, or a body marking such as a ring around the wrist, that denotes an 'illiterate and confused dependent' who needs 'extra patience and understanding'.

Nekosoldat assigned to police these workforces are actually seen as protecting and educating the 'mentally deficient', not as oppressors put there to cause fear. On some occasions of unskilled labour where a fortification needs constructing or an artillery piece needs constant reloading, commanders may be forced to use such workers out in the open, despite their inherent undependably.

In times of need, Political Officers may arm and organise them as a last ditch effort of defence- Or if things go truly south, they may frantically take up arms by themselves, fighting alongside walking wounded, desperate not to be captured by enemy outsiders which they have been taught are violent and cruel primitive monsters, who may eat them, or worse.

Technician Type

The YNNX were never in a hurry to develop a scientist class, as they do not trust individuals who are unwilling to get their hands dirty, or personally sacrifice themselves for the common cause. Project Veerhoven's mission statement of stealing or recovering technology from elsewhere only goes so far, however, and a limited number of more technically minded individuals were formed into a small, highly controlled group of inventors and think-tank operatives.

They oversee the development of new projects, and are sometimes individually called to the field if an experimental weapon must be supervised, or an alien item examined. Many of them also serve as medical staff and doctors.

OOC Notes

Primitive Polygon created this article on 2022/10/15 09:32.

Approved by Wes/Andrew on 2023/08/21.1)