Table of Contents

Vehicle Test Department

The VTD is an area of the Neshaten Division of Transportation that is responsible for testing new vehicles that will be released on the road, while the manufacturer of those vehicles may test them in their own private centers, it is still the job of the DoT to also test the vehicles to ensure safety.

Essentially the courses are designed to test the vehicles for optimal performance and that they qualify for usage by citizens, but also, that they are safe and that all of their components actually work for what the vehicle is intended for.

Threaded Vehicle Testing

A course that includes a lot of rough terrain and hills that are used to test out the integrity and durability of a threaded vehicle, these include all-terrain vehicles like cargo-carriers and trucks that are used in some of the roughest environments on a planet.

Wheeled Vehicle Testing

This course pertains to all wheeled vehicles, and includes terrain that is flat, bumpy, rocky, and even hilly but also includes slippery and ice.

Gravity Vehicle Testing

Pertains to all Gravity based vehicles; the center includes every course, including flat and hilly terrain and also rough terrain and even snow.