Safety Control Department

The Safety Control Department is a Department located in the Neshaten Division of Transportation that handles all manners of safety, from monitoring vehicle safety systems to informing the drivers of said vehicles if there are unsafe conditions that they headed into such as weather, an accident, or police actions that they need to avoid which also includes criminal activity or active terror watches. They also dispatch road-side emergency crews in the event of an accident.

Kit Safety Control Center

This center is devoted entirely to Kit safety and is designed to monitor all vehicles driven by Kits. They ensure that the kit is driving safely and obeying all traffic laws, and can warn them in the event of emergencies but can also safely take control over the vehicle in the event of laws being broken or if the vehicle goes out of control.

Inside, the control room has one control terminal that is devoted to four cars each; the number of active control centers depends on the number of kits currently on the road. However, the center has fifty control terminals, along with a very large monitor that can show up to four hundred different vehicle details.

However, it isn't always possible to monitor every vehicle, in this case the only time an employee is really needed is when there is a new Kit driving on the road or when the Kit driving has had several infractions against them, otherwise most Kits are monitored by a computer system that will automatically alert an employee in the event of a possible emergency.

The KSCC also monitors military vehicles driven by Kit's, even though the military has their own KSCC equivalent, this is an example of dual oversight to ensure that the military Kit is not doing anything they shouldn't be doing because of their military status. However, the KSCC can only warn and monitor the vehicle along with dispatch emergency services to that vehicle, they can't assume control over it, only the military equivalent can. However, the KSCC 'can' call in military police

Emergency Response Center

The ERC is the center that handles all emergency related activities, including dispatching emergency services when an alert is picked up from a crashed vehicle. The center can also dispatch local city guard when a driver reports that they are being carjacked. When a vehicle reports that they are having engine problems, or any other vehicle related non-emergencies, the center will dispatch road-side repair teams to assist the driver.