Table of Contents

Neshaten Laws

The following is a list of laws that all Neshaten citizens are expected to follow.

The Beginning

Any law, no matter whether it applies to citizens or military, shall be followed regardless of status, caste, or species.. A person's social standing has no bearing on the laws that they can and can't follow, all should be followed.

Any Law that is signed into place by the government, shall not be retroactively engaged. This means that a law put into place that bans a person from owning a firearm, can not have their firearm taken from them if such a law is passed.

All Laws must be written so that they can be understood by the citizenry without requiring a translator, meaning no laws should be written in a difficult language.

I. Citizen Rights

1. Citizens are permitted to own firearms as long as they are to be used for the citizens self protection or hunting. Under no reason should the firearm be used in the commencement of a crime, if used in such a fashion, the citizen will have their firearm confiscated and will be placed under a ten year ban from owning any firearms. However, military grade weaponry is forbidden in the hands of non-military citizens.

2. All Citizens have freedom of speech and religion, however, freedom of speech does not protect against charges of libel and slander.

3. Nobles are not permitted to use their status to force a citizen of lower status to leave an area.

4. Royalty are not permitted to use their status to force a citizen of lower status into business or military, or from leaving an area or city. Exceptions apply to the following:

5. Citizens are allowed to vote on any law that may directly or indirectly effect them, no citizen of higher status may restrict another citizen from voting.

6. Under no circumstances should a citizen violate the law of a nation they are visiting, doing so results in them being subjected to the laws of the visiting nation. The Neshaten Government will not request the offending citizens return to Neshaten territory until after that citizen has served any trials or sentences.

7. A citizen who has a Contractual Slave working for them may not harm that slave in anyway.

8. A citizen has the right to self-defense, and may defend themselves from any threat they perceive on their property or family. However, it should be pointed out, that the use of deadly force is ONLY permitted if the offending party is also utilizing deadly force.

9. A citizen has the right to issue a challenge to another family if they feel their family has been insulted. Exception apply:

10. Any citizen may own a business or start one up.

11. Only an organized, approved, and trained militia may have access to military grade weaponry.

J. Citizenship Law

1. The races of the Neshaten, those being the My'leke, Laibe, and Shukaran, are granted Birthright upon birth. This means that no matter where this citizen is born, they are automatically considered a citizen of the Neshaten and thus are given all current and future rights.

2. Criminals lose all rights to being a citizen after being convicted of a crime, a criminal may only regain citizenship from a pardon by the King and Queen.

K. Foreigner Citizenship Laws

Even though the Neshaten haven't encountered any other species yet, they were forward thinking in their plans in the event they ever did.

1. In order for a foreigner to become a citizen of the Kingdom of Neshaten, they must spend ten years living within the border of the Kingdom and must also demonstrate the ability to be self-sufficient and not reliant on the government. Foreigners must also not engage in any type of criminal activity, under the risk of being expelled from the Kingdom.

2. Foreigners who are born on Neshaten soil are not granted automatic citizenship, children of foriegn countries must complete school and also spend either five years in the Youth Corps along with an additional five years in the Shukara Volunteer Navy, or spend eight years in the Shukara Volunteer Navy before they can be considered citizens.

L. Rights of Non-Citizens

A non-citizen is someone who isn't My'leke, Laibe, or Shukaran or who doesn't have citizenship within the Kingdom of Neshaten

1. A non-citizen may apply for citizenship.

2. A non-citizen may not own a firearm, firearms are only permitted to citizens.

2A. People who are only visiting the Kingdom and possess a firearm, must check that firearm in with local authorities.

2B. Diplomats or Ambassadors whose staff, including bodyguards and security, need to check in their firearms with the local authorities.

3. A non-citizen has the right to free speech, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of legal citizens.

4. A non-citizen may join the Shukara Volunteer Navy

5. A non-citizen may start up a business, but only after getting permission from the local government or officals.

6. May seek a sponsor for citizenship, but the sponsor must be a citizen who has not engaged in any criminal activity of ANY kind.

M. Rights of Trade Families

A Trade Family is a group of individuals who have brought their resources together and merged into one family.

1. Trade Families must pay a licensing fee dependent on the number of ships they have in their fleets. They are not allowed to own warships, but are allowed to own security vessels to protect their fleets.

2. Only in a time of war may Trade Families request permission to rent and use military oriented starships and only during a time of war may the families equip their ships with military grade weapons. However, these ships must accept military crews as well in order to operate those weapons.

3. A Trade Family may not have more than two security ships per every non-combat ship.

4. Trade Families are allowed to rent and lease, or lease and pay, for ships from the government.

5. A Trade Family may accept contracts from non-trade families either for buying and the selling of goods, or for providing security.

6. Trade Families must not provide assistance for enemy forces, doing so will result in the lose of trade family status along with the confiscation of all assets.

N. Rights of Non-Trade Families

Although there are no non-trade families currently operating within Neshaten space, most Trade Families knew that at some point in the future such a thing might happen, thus the following laws were created to account for that.

1. A Non-Trade Family has the right to set up a business in Neshaten space, however, they must get permission from the ruling Monarch and supply a list of items, ships, and any assets they need to operate.

2. A Non-Trade Family must purchase a commerce license in order to do business within Neshaten territory, and must purchase a patrol license in order to utilize patrol ships owned and operated by this non-trade family. However, Non-trade families can hire trade families who specialize in security work to protect their vessels.

3. A Non-Trade Family is not permitted to trade in military technology or restricted tech, such as power systems.

4. A Non-Trade Family can be made into a recognized Neshaten Trade Family by committing to three years of non-aggressive commerce within Neshaten borders. However, this does not make the owners of the Trade Family citizens of the Kingdom.

O. Rights of Indentured Servants

An Indentured Servants is a citizen who is working off a crime by working for a citizen of a Kingdom or for those citizens who are working off a large debt. They are covered under the Xen'trene Act

1. An Indentured Servant has the right to report any abuse by their owners.

2. An Indentured Servant has the right to request reassignment to a different owner if they feel their current owner is abusing them.

3. An Indentured Servant, if a criminal, is stripped of all citizen and citizenship rights per the two clauses.

4. An Indentured Servant can be transfered to another owner.

5. An Indentured Servant must wear an IS band at all times. An IS Band, worn primarily by criminal IS's is a device worn around the wrist that to ensures that the criminal who is in servitude doesn't try to flee or break free of their contract

6. If an Indentured Servant isn't a criminal, then they can own small bits of properyt such as personal possessions. Criminals who are, however, can't own personnel property.

7. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their contracted servant is treated fairly. However, this doesn't mean that the owner is left entirely alone, Indentured Servants are routinely checked by inspectors to ensure nothing illegal (such as abuse) is going on.

8. Under no reasons should Kits under the age of ten be asked to enter into an Indentured Servant Pact.

P. Maritime law

Laws that pertain to how civilians should act in space

It shall be made clear that all Maritime Laws apply to anyone who operates within Neshaten territory, including those who are not of the Kingdom of Neshaten.

1. Any civilian ship shall respond to any distress calls they encounter, however, civilians should use caution when approaching such distressed ships to ensure said ship is truly in distress. Any ship responding to a distress call should report it to the general authorities.

2. No civilian ships are permitted to cross into restricted military space, this includes ships rented or owned by the nobility. Only ships of royalty are permitted access.

3. All ships present in Neshaten space shall submit to customs and military boardings in search of contraband.

3A. Custom Officials must have due cause to search a vessel for contreband.

3B. Military ships can also search a vessel but only based off intelligence reports. They can't board civilian vessels, that is left up to Custom Officials, although a military ship is allowed to assist if requested.

4. No ship shall approach a military vessel without first contacting said vessel to request permission to approach. Failure to request permission could result in the vessel being mistaken for a hostile. If said vessel is incapable of communicating, then it's up to the crew of that vessel to attempt communications.

5. Ships belonging to the nobility have no authority over ships belonging to the Citizenry Class. This means that the nobility has no authority to order a ship owned by a citizen. However, ships of Royalty do have the authority to request that ships of the nobility and citizenry accompany them.

6. Under no circomstances should a Neshaten vessel, civilian or military, have its weapons exposed unless the ship is intending to use them. An exposed weapon is a sign of threatening intent and use.

Q. Criminal Law

Criminal law dictates what is illegal in the Kingdom, what people can and can't do

1. It is illegal for the military or police forces to enter into another countries borders or territory knowlingly to the law, doing so would make the command staff held liable.

2. It is treason to give restricted Neshaten technology over to foreigners, anyone found doing so is to be executed. In the event the person doing the exchange is a Shipmaster, then ship crews are expected to arrest said Shipmaster and report violation to the Kingdom.

3. It is illegal within the Kingdom for someone to fake their Citizenry or any citizen status.

3A. It is illegal to claim to be in the military, or to impersonate an officer.

4. It is a criminal offense to harm a Kit willingly in the course of committing a crime, doing so carries a serious penalty. However, it is 'not' illegal to protect oneself from an attacking Kit. It is still, however, illegal to hurt someone during the commission of a crime.

5. No Neshaten vessels shall fire upon foreign ships unless fired upon first, except during a time of war.

6. It is illegal to willingly deny a person the right to religion or freedom.

7. It is illegal for one trade family to sabotage another trade family either through the destruction of property or the illegal seizure of transports, or even, through blackmail or coercion.

8. It is illegal for a military or police ship to seize a civilian vessel without cause.

9. Is is illegal to claim to have served in the military or in the Youth Corps when the person hasn't served in either.

10. Under no circumstance should any Neshaten Citizen be spying for a criminal or foreign organization, doing so invites arrest and torture.

11. It is illegal for a citizen to knowingly sponsor a known criminal for citizenship.

12. It is illegal for a citizen to knowingly aid a criminal and is grounds for arrest and jail time.

13. It is illegal for anyone in the Kingdom to take part in research that involves genetic modification of a persons body or full body cloning, in relation to religious and cultural beliefs. The only type of the two that are permitted is the cloning or repairing of damaged or missing limbs.