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NAM "Wolfhound" Heavy Multipurpose Railgun HMR-01a

Developed and manufactured in YE 41 as part of the SMDIoN's United Maintenance Plan, the Wolfhound HMR-01a is a heavy railgun intended to be used by heavy Power Armor such as the Aggressor and as a weapon by light vehicles. Utilizing the new 105mm UMD Canisters, the Wolfhound gives marines and vehicles the capability of dealing with armored targets as well as clusters of targets.

About the Wolfhound

The Wolfhound is intended to serve two primary purposes: as an anti-vehicle weapon carried by the heaviest of power armors, and as a vehicle-mounted anti-vehicle cannon. For that purpose, the weapon was given the relatively lightweight and capable, yet easy to produce UMD Canister as a primary weapon.

In order to achieve the high velocities that the Wolfhound's projectile achieves when fired, and still retain a relatively small weapon, the Wolfhound virtually extends the length of the barrel when firing. It does this using a high powered combat laser to ionize the air directly in front of the barrel, then extends electromagnetic fields that shape the plasma into a virtual electromagnetically charged rails. When the weapon's round is accelerated by the weapon's own internal rails, the virtual barrel will functionally extend the time the payload is accelerated for. When in a situation with no atmosphere, the Wolfhound can spit out its own gas to be ionized.

When used by an armorsuit, the Wolfhound is a big bazooka of a weapon that requires the user to rest the weapon atop his shoulder while firing rounds from a five-round magazine. The weapon is still large, however, and prevents a marine in armor from using a second primary weapon alongside it. It is recommended that the Wolfhound only be used by the NAM Terratech Heavy Assault Armorsuit – “Aggressor”.

When used in a vehicle, the Wolfhound is somewhat small but can be fed from an autoloader or a manual breach depending on the parent vehicle.

Nomenclature Information

The Wolfhound is officially designated as the HMR-01a, the first model Heavy Multipurpose Railgun.

Discharge Information

The Wolfhound fires a large solid round with a variety of warheads, using electromagnetic force.


Damage Quickchart
Type Purpose Blast Radius
RED High Explosive Canister Tier 8 Medium Anti-Mecha, can achieve Tier 10 Light Anti-Starship if shell penetrates target's armor before detonating. 16m
WHITE Tungsten Penetrator Canister Tier 5 Medium Anti-Armor against shields, Tier 9 Heavy Anti-Mecha to unshielded N/A
BLACK Zanarium Sniper Canister Tier 7 Light Anti-Mecha N/A
BLUE EMP Canister Tier 9 Heavy Anti-Mecha to shields, minor electronic scrambling effects against unshielded targets. N/A
GREEN Antimatter Canister Tier 9 Heavy Anti-Mecha or Tier 5 Medium Anti-Armor if fired in 'buckshot' mode. N/A
YELLOW Subspace Pinger N/A N/A

Weapon Mechanisms

The Wolfhound has a complex firing mechanism, based on solid electromagnetic rails augmented by a 'virtual' barrel formed from ionized gas.

Infantry Version

The Wolfhound's infantry version is smaller and lighter to allow heavy armorsuits to use it as a weapon.


The Wolfhound is composed of two portions: the main frame of the weapon, and the long barrel. The main frame of the Wolfhound is a roughly rectangular box which widens out near the end to encompass the few moving parts of the weapon and its firing mechanism. THe barrel, which takes up most of the weapon's length, is long and has a hexagonal barrel, with a long bar above the weapon which contains the mechanisms for releases gas and ionizing the air.

Vehicle Version

The vehicle version of the Wolfhound is the same size as the infantry model, but heavier.


The main appearance difference between the vehicle-mounted version of the Battle Hammer and the infantry version is that the Vehicle version has a thicker, more rounded barrel and more reinforcements, as well as lacking a trigger assembly, handle, and also being mounted to a vehicle.



The Wolfhound is not for sale outside of the SMDIoN, with violators at risk of imprisonment.

OOC Notes

Firebrand recreated this article on 2019/08/18 14:15.

Approved by Syaoran on 12/6/2019