Table of Contents

Scout Cannon Ammunition

High Explosive

High explosive 40mm ammunition for the na-w3301 Scout Canon developed by NAM


High explosive rounds with a small rocket motor and a guidance system that allows them to follow the target designator beam projected by the rifle.

Anti Armor

Anti Armor 40mm sabot ammunition for the na-w3301 Scout Canon developed by NAM


A high velocity high density sabot guided rocket designed to pierce armor. It contains a small rocket motor and guidance system that allow it to follow the target designator beam projected by the rifle. The weapon uses its kinetic energy to destroy a target, making it optimal for firing through walls, armor or other obstructions.

Special Rounds

40mm versions of NAM Infantry Grenades designed for use in the W3301 cannon. These rounds are all payload and lack guidance systems or inbuilt rockets.


OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2019/06/09 12:51.