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NAM 'Fang' Multipurpose Guided Missile MGM-01a

Developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions to replace the earlier armor-grade heavy guided munitions utilized by such PA as the EARTH, the Fang Multipurpose Guided Missile MGM-01a is a self guided anti-vehicle munitions delivery platform. Rebuilt from the ground up, the Fang combines high velocity and endurance with a robust warhead and defensive suite.


The Fang is a relatively large missile, compared to the popular minimissiles used nowadays by many nations. This size, however, is in part due to its long range, powerful warhead options, and integrated defensive systems.

Missile Damage Quickchart
Missile Purpose
WHITE Tungsten Cap Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor
RED High-Explosive Tier 6, Light Anti-Mecha
BLUE EM Pulse Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha to armor grade shields
GREEN Antimatter Warhead Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha

Systems that use the Fang include:


The Fang MGM-01a is guided by its own internal guidance system and AI, which has four tracking modes:

In all of these modes, the Fang is self guiding and does not need further input from the firing platform.


Propulsion for the Fang is provided by a steerable, cut down NAM Dual-stage Hyperspace Tap Drive. This DHTD is fixed into plasma drive mode and feeds from an internal propellant tank filled with ionized hydrogen, with enough propellant for 40 seconds of acceleration.


The Fang has its own integrated defensive measures, based on a scaled down and cut back version of the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite. This version of the suite has only the following features:

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/12 19:33.

Approved by Charmaylarg here on 11/11/2019

3 ft 11 in
6.7 in
constant boosting makes the round lose fuel quickly