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Nepleslian Officer Cap (YE 36)

The NSMC Officer Cap (YE 36) and NSN Officer Cap is a peaked cap used by officers (including NCOs) of the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps, the finest Marine Corps in the setting, and by the Nepleslian Star Navy.

Service NCO Warrant Officer Commissioned Officer Flag Officer
NSMC NCO Warrant Commissioned Flag Officers
NSN NCO Warrant Commissioned Flag Officers

NSMC Version

It can be used with the standard marine uniform or with the dress uniform by marines ranked Corporal or above.

About the Cap

The cap is a green peaked cap that matches the color of the Marine uniform. It has a brown leather brim and a brown leather strap attached by brass buttons. In the center of the band of the cap there is an embroidered insignia consisting of the NSMC tricolor emblem flanked by laurel leaves and topped with a golden bald eagle, set on a dark brown background. The edge of the cap's top is lined with a red piping that signifies all the blood spilled by Nepleslian military personnel.

There is a version for non-commissioned officers, one for warrant officers that has more gold leaves around the badge, one for officers with a gold chin strap and gold leaf designs on the band, and one for admirals that has a red band and even more gold leaf designs on it along with shiny gold piping added to the edge of the top.

NCO Warrant

Commissioned Flag Officers

Emblem for NSMC Officer Cap (YE 36) Officer of NSMC

The Nepleslian Star Navy introduced their version of the cap at the start of YE 37. It is blue instead of green and and features the Navy's new insignia.

Nepleslian Star Navy Insignia


Nepleslia created the NSMC Officer Cap in YE 36 for these reasons:

  1. By YE 36 the mixture of black and brown for boots belts, and gloves had been standardized to brown. Nepleslia needed a cap with a brown brim to match the uniform.
  2. Older Nepleslian military hats did not include the NSMC tricolor insignia.
  3. To streamline Nepleslian military headgear by eliminating some of the rarely used cap types.

This cap replaced the old “Marine Officer's Peaked Cap” and “NCO's Floppy Cap” that were in (rare) use from YE 30 until mid-YE 36.

In YE 37, the Nepleslian Star Navy introduced their version of the cap.

OOC Notes

  1. This page was created on 2014/06/22 21:02 by Wes.
  2. Cap art by Wes.
  3. Approved by FM Kampfer on 2014/06/22.
  4. Approved for canon by Wes on 2014/06/22.
  5. Navy version approved by FM Kampfer on 2015/12/25