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NMX Standard Starship Armors

The NMX use a variety of armors for its starships, and while it isn't the first line of defense it is a very important to the survival of their ships in combat. Undoubtedly, they spent a lot of time developing their armor. It comes in four types, and all vary in their ability to protect the starship they're attached to. These armors are mixed in with tough organic material of unknown origin, and is hard to discern from the actual hull of the ship beneath it.


This is the armor tacked onto Smallcraft such as Battlepods. It is a light-weight material of mostly Durandium Alloy and a great deal of tough shell-like organic matter.

Armor Type: Light (0.6 Modifier)


This is armor typically used with lighter starships such as Escorts, Destroyers, and especially Scoutcraft. It is heavier than Smallcraft Armor, but is made of similar material. Durandium Alloy and carapace-like layers of thin titanium are mixed with a tough shell-like organic structure.

Armor Type: Light (0.6 Modifier)


This Armor is found on Destroyers and Cruisers, and is heavier than Light armor. Forgetting the layers of steel and Durandium, this Armor uses Yama-Dura as its primary metal. The organic structure in this armor is basically used to keep the sheets attached to the hull.

Armor Type: Medium (0.8 Modifier)


You will find this armor on the larger ships of the NMX. It is Yama-Dura with copious helpings of other metals such as steel and a rigid structure of reflective organic matter that helps to reflect light-based weapons and cushion blows from physical weapons and explosions.

Armor Type: Heavy (1.0 Modifier)