NMX Prisoner Garb

These skimpy uniforms are “designed for mobility” and are found on NMX starships. It is unknown if they are widely available or if they are used for prisoners, or for low-ranking servants in general.


Held within each crate was an outfit of black and red, strange patterns emblazoned on them. “I had them tailored myself,” the Master said with leveled pride and a dash of sarcasm.

At this point, something could be said of the uniforms that the new 'soldiers' had been issued. They were black, and remarkably utilitarian, if one were to consider the environments surrounding. That is - there was no need for protection from the elements aboard a ship, and probably little need for protection from anything else. And it so happened, as a result, that the uniforms produced were rather revealing. The midriff was bare. The collar, and neck, were bare. The arms, the legs, and the feet were also more or less completely unprotected. The rest - what little that entailed - was covered by a black, more or less stretchy material that was cut without concern for frills or show. It protected, perhaps out of modesty. That was probably its purpose.

OOC Notes

Page created by Wes. RP Description by Gallant.