NMX Prisoner Containment

Prisoner Containment is a tightly-controlled compartment with smaller models holding up to 20 cells, and large models holding upwards of a hundred. The standard version, however, can hold 75 inmates in their small cells. During processing, inmates are stripped of their clothing and items and provided standard issue NMX Prisoner Garb. They are washed, cleaned, and then stuffed into a single-man cell where they are fed perhaps once a day1). Prisoner containment is always supervised by a Mishhuvurthyar who may or may not take shifts with another.


The cells are designed to hold one humanoid safely, but with enough room for a Mishhuvurthyar to enter and move around comfortably in. Each cell is a self-contained module, and their single door is operated via a telepathic command by the resident Mishhuvurthyar overseer. Inmates who fail to behave are beaten severely, and if they fail a second time are summarily executed by the closest Mishhuvurthyar. Many times, prisoners are killed arbitrarily for entertainment, food, or reproduction for the Mishhuvurthyar aboard the ship. It isn't uncommon to have a Prisoner escorted to a Mishhu Cabin – these prisoners are rarely heard from again.

Their bed is a hammock hung from the ceiling, and the only other amenity in the room is a toilet that can be pulled out from the wall. Otherwise, the cell is dimly lit by a red bulb2). The walls are painted brown. The door to the cell has a small window big enough for a Neko face to be framed, and a slot at the bottom for a food tray.

Food served is typically grits or rice with water, or if rice is unavailable provisions from the NMX Butcher Room or the NMX Kitchens in that order of availability.

If they're lucky, they're fed twice a day. They are denied normal rations because a.) they don't need much when they aren't working and b.) because it's harder to fight when hungry.
on command, these lights will flick on brightly and remove their red filters to make the cell very well-lit