NMX Launch Bay

The NMX launch bay is a mammoth area open to space aboard an NMX ship. It can launch ships, receive ships and unload their personnel/cargo, service said ships, and even has equipment available to disassemble ships. Typically the most commonly found vehicle in an NMX Launchbay is the NMX Battlepod (Type 30A), but the standard Launch Bay can hold up to six captured Ke-T4 "Fox" Combat Aeroshuttle in addition to a dozen Battlepods; normally only four or five are found. Every Shuttle removed creates enough for 4 more Battlepods. Larger NMX ships can have much larger bays, and the opposite is true for much smaller ships.

The walls are the color of the outside hull, and the bay is protected by a simple shield to keep the air in – when not in use it isn't uncommon to have a massive blast shutter closed on the bay1). Simple catwalk gantries allow technicians to move around and service vehicles within the bay, and allow for multiple levels on which to store Battlepods. On every level, and within 30 feet of one another starting from the door are firefighting and damage-control equipment built into the walls.

The Blast Shutter deploys like one massive garage door. It curves in to be stored inside the actual hull of the bay, and deploys out and seals with scaled plates