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LSDF Medical Storage Compartments

Medical storage compartments serve multiple purposes and are designed for various uses and applications. Storage compartments are kept under various levels of security, largely based upon what kind of goods are stored within the storage compartment, and the security requirements for the installation or ship which the compartment has been installed.

Medical Storage Compartment Designs

Basic Supply Storage

Designed for the storage of the most basic of supplies, the basic supply storage is a simple room which is often furnished with either simple metal shelves with cardboard boxes, or sealed transparent plastic bins. Stored inside of bins or boxes are supplies such as bandages, alcohol wipes, suture kits, surgical hardware, and other shelf-stable common-place implements for medical care.

Equipment Storage

Intended to store complex medical equipment, the equipment storage room is used to house powered medical equipment such as scanners, laser scalpels, cybernetic components, monitoring equipment, powered surgical equipment, and similar items. Most of the equipment is kept stored partially disassembled in plastic containers. Power cells for such equipment are kept in a charging station, where they are maintained for use.

Live Organic Material Storage

When organic materials that are either grown or harvested by medical personnel are acquired and need to be stored, they are placed in a live organic material storage compartment. These storage compartments use a vast variety of containers, chemicals, and devices to store organic materials and prevent decay. Mainly though, live organic material storage handles the upkeep and stocking of replacement organs and tissues for ill or wounded personnel.

Sample Storage

Samples of tissues or other biological oddities are stored separately from most organic material. When samples are taken, they are treated in two different ways; as non-hazardous, and hazardous materials. Non-hazardous samples are stored in rather run of the mill vials, plastic containers, and similar vessels. Hazardous samples however, are stored in durandium clad boron carbide vacuum-seal-able containers, or in thick walled transparent durandium jars. Samples are kept securely stored in comparison to most storage compartments, using biometrics and passwords to ensure regulation of items coming and going.

Non-Restricted Drug Storage

A mainstay of medical coverage are drugs, and to store a bulk of the drugs used in LSDF medical compartments, non-restricted drug storage compartments are used. These compartments are intended to store drugs which are not considered to be sensitive in regard to their unique nature, or are not considered to be dangerous to personnel if abused. Non-restricted drug storage compartments are almost pantry like in design, focusing in ease of supply, and allow for quick acquisition of basic supplies such as low-end painkillers, herbal supplements, and other helpful drugs.

Restricted Drug Storage

Serving as the storehouse for drugs considered to be a secret by the Lorath Matriarchy, or for drugs which could pose a risk to patients if abused, the restricted drug storage compartment is a secure storage area for drugs that must be protected. Restricted drug storage compartments are similar to being a vault, considering that they are constructed of durandium clad with a layer of boron-carbide, and include a vault-style door which uses a Pico-Jelly key system and a variety of biometric scans and pass codes to allow authorized personnel admittance to the storage area.

Morgue Storage

In the event of death, corpses that are to be transported to another location for memorial rites, or in the case of corpses that require autopsy, the morgue is the location in which those corpses are kept. Using a combination of electromagnetic field manipulation and cryonics, the morgue's storage system maintains a corpse in the same condition as it is stored for a period of several years before notable cellular decay takes place. If purely cryonic means are used, a corpse can be preserved indefinitely. Morgues vary in size depending on the population which they are expected to possibly house. Most morgues use minimal security systems, for the storage room itself, though, preservation cabinets are sealed using a pass code and biometric scan reliant lock.