Ahmida Personnel Quarters

Ahmida Civiltech's ship line feature ergonomic and modularized compartments that allow for optimal usage of space and comfort. It features clean and rounded plas wall paneling with a thin coat of a shiny and impact-absorbing foam. All furniture and other amenities (including personal appliances, accessories and recreational equipment) may be stored inside of multi-bracketed 'smart insert arms' that automatically deploy the installed and configured item when the covering panel is folded back or manually removed. It is also possible to modify these internal components into functional and clean storage space, which will swivel out and deploy with the same mechanism as other furniture.

A given ship will carry most of the component to modify a room itself and will be issued a substantial number of components with the purchase of the vessel, so it is possible for a person who is at least competent at following instructions to change their furniture arrangements. Because of this high degree of customization a given room is only 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 meters in dimensions can effectively be used as a 24-hour living space by three crew members.

The standard layout consists of three beds, two bunk and one the ground, two desks and one large viewscreen for media browsing and viewing purposes, and still boasts a decent amount of space and power bandwidth for personalization.
