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Dragoon Corvette

A swift, powerful, if unsightly corvette designed by the I'ee. As its nickname suggests, the Dragoon fights in an indirect manner, combining long ranged support with high mobility to allow for swift relocation. The Dragoon utilises the powerful and alien Kss'Thi Cannon: A powerful particle cannon left behind from a time before the I'ee can remember.

Key Features

Despite its unsightly appearance, the Dragoon's engines are capable of propelling it at a swift speed, able to relocate itself on the battlefield to find vantage points and evade attackers. Its sole, fixed armament lends it little defence against attack, leaving it reliant on an escort for defence.

Mission Specialization


An asymmetrical nightmare, the Dragoon is split in half along its horizontal axis. Between the armoured upper and lower sections of the vessel is a delicate framework, in which the primary engine array and armament are contained. The starboard side of the upper section contains the cockpit of the craft, along with the primary weapons control. On the port side are maintenance areas for both the main gun and the secondary engines. The lower half of the vessel contains no crew access, and is primarily armour plating.

History and Background

Initially designed as a simple testing craft for the recently assimilated Kss'thi Cannon, the Ith'ee saw promise in the Dragoon's design, ugly as it was. Rather than redesign the vessel from scratch, they added onto the existing, prototype craft.

What became of this sequential process of experimentation and addition was a fast, powerfully armed support corvette. With a long ranged cannon and fast engines, it is capable of finding a good firing position, and then escaping it when necessary.

Statistics and Performance


Crew: 5 crew

Maximum Capacity: The ship is intended for short ranged operations, and has no accommodations on board.


Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

Inside the Ship


A simple, cramped space shaped like a box with control consoles and monitors lining the walls.

Weapons Control

Even more cramped than the cockpit, with space for a single occupant. It contains sophisticated targeting systems which grant control over the main weapon.

Maintenance Areas

Simple, utilitarian working spaces designed to facilitate repair and maintenance of the ship's inner workings. Like other spaces in the ship, most are quite cramped.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems


Weapons Systems

OOC Notes

Littlewasp created this article on 2016/04/30 04:40.

This was approved by Doshii Jun on 2013/11/031).