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WAP Yome Ismâopate - Heraldry

This page describes the Afirmugaly (Heraldry) for the ship and crew of the WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk).

Yome Ismâopate - Heraldry and Chronicals

The Yome Ismâopate features the standard Poku Saeruo Degonjo primary schema. The hull is painted the standard green pattern, and features the clan crest.

Additionally the Yome Ismâopate has orange leading edges of the wings. There are also thee images of a flying hawk on the hull. On each wing facing each other, and on the forward hull.


The heraldry for the ship consists of a circular emblem filled with black ringed gold and red. In the center is the image of the Yome Ismâopate with shields raised, the Siamaka, and a hawk outlined in white.



The official Afirmugaly for the crew is a maroon, with a black and gold trim. A silver embroidered hawk or a pin is also worn.


755 CY - Mission 1

756 CY Mission 2

Mission 2 Aftermath

762 CY Mission 3