Table of Contents

Standard Skills for Hidden Sun Clan

This page contains the skills all members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo are trained in. For specific job related skills, see Kâbo'kai (Occupations).

Knowledge: Clan Lore

<Your character> since starting at the age of 5 was taught at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies), the history of the clan, basic clan law, and traditions. They also received training in the history of their Ruoka (House) and Punla (Family).

While at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies) they were schooled in social interaction, customs and etiquette of their people. He or she is fluent in Takavonai (Language). They may also speak Trade (language) and or Yamataigo (邪馬台語).

==== Knowledge: Clan Lore ====
<Your character> since starting at the age of 5 was taught at the //[[hidden_sun_clan:academies]]//, the history of the clan, basic clan law, and traditions. They also received training in the history of their //[[hidden_sun_clan:house]]// and //[[hidden_sun_clan:family]]//. 

While at the //[[hidden_sun_clan:academies]]// they were schooled in social interaction, customs and etiquette of their people. He or she is fluent in //[[hidden_sun_clan:language]]//. They may also speak [[language:trade]] and or [[language:yamataigo]].


<Your Character> received initial training in Veltin-daho'te (Knife Fighting) in their home, and while at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Their proficiency was measured in the Baqnor (move from youth).

==== Combat ====
<Your Character> received initial training in //[[hidden_sun_clan:knife_fighting]]// in their home, and while at the //[[hidden_sun_clan:academies]]//. Their proficiency was measured in the //[[hidden_sun_clan:rituals:baqnor]]//.

Common Skills

<Your Character> received compulsory training in mathematics, finances and the basic operation of command clan equipment and basic use of Kynjodau'tajo Aorq'ka (Information Technology).

Shipboard Life

All members of the clan spend time on ships, their world station is essentially a ship so these skills apply there.

==== Common Skills =====
<Your Character> received compulsory training in mathematics, finances and the basic operation of command clan equipment and basic use of //[[hidden_sun_clan:computer_tech]]//. 

=== Shipboard Life ===
All members of the clan spend time on ships, their world station is essentially a ship so these skills apply there.
  * Able to use a //[[hidden_sun_clan:technology:standard_console]].//
  * Able to use a //[[hidden_sun_clan:technology:security_door]]//.
  * Properly connect and disconnect a //[[hidden_sun_clan:computer_tech:neuron_storage]]//.
  * Familiar with emergency procedures:
    * Decompression
    * Firefighting