Taytaqo Ruosa (Conference Room)

The Taytaqo Ruosa is the Poku Saeruo Degonjo equivalent of a conference room. The literal translation is 'the Room to gather and speak'.

The room is rectangular and accessed through a Anomu Wunyte (Security Door). Hull braces composed of Mâqirây (Bound Metal) protrude from the side Ano (Wall). There are Tyo'te Wuny'ta (Fire Suppression) ports and standard Ibâ'te (Lighting) in the ceiling. The Afirmugaly (Heraldry) of the House or Sect that owns the ship typically appears on the wall and on other furnishings.

The size of the room determines the exact layout. A small conference room would have a rectangular table, with chairs on all sides. A large one would have a large table with chairs on the side closest the wall. The rest of the room would have additional tables and chairs.

Sometimes a wet bar is positioned along one wall of the conference room. Lighting is provided by a Tomin-ano (Window), and/or by artificial lighting that follows the diurnal cycle.

The room is equipped with Uos Tasbai (Sounds of Life) speakers and controls.

OOC Notes