Hidden Sun Clan - Standard Issue
Living aboard Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels members of the clan have limited personal space. For this reason most clan members will typically carry the following when they first join a ship.
These items will be either generic or may have the individuals Punla (Family) colors and crests
1 Lapur (belt)
1 pr Bapaumati (sandals)
1 pr Bapawotai (boots)
2 Umatsai (robes)
2 Hodiwota (trousers)
3 Jendomu (tunic)
5 Niomse (underwear)
The following specific items a member of the clan will have for performing their Kâbo'kai (Occupations).
Lapur (belt) utility to hold tools or weapons.
Moqbapa (footwear) depends on the job, or task.
Hapuwotai (gloves) are used in some professions to protect the hand.
Jendomu (tunic) Normally worn to distinguish ranking members, from lower echelon. Rank is worn on the left side, and the house and family on the right.
All clan members will have the following for wearing to special events.
Personal grooming
Body Brush
Hand and face soap
Body soap
2 Towels large
2 Towels small
Mouth cleaner
Tooth paste
Tooth brush
<Character> is a <rank> and receives a monthly Kâbolelpa (salary) of Odawina (OW).
Total Savings | Addition | Subtraction | Reason |
1,000 OW | | | Starting Funds |