Table of Contents


Motto: Tyrants Fall Before Us.
Active Personnel: 48.24 million
Reserve Personnel: 32.16 million

The Space Forces of the Abwehran Armed Forces, the Weltraumflotte is dedicated towards the defense of the Home System and Colonies of the Abwehran Star Empire. With its Space Force patrolling the Empire's Territory and its Marine Corp provided security on board civilian space station, the Imperial Weltraumflotte is the place with the most action.

The majority of the Weltraumflotte's duty revolves around commerce protection and customs. This means the Weltraumflotte is also the first people to meet foreigners and immigrants. It is also responsible for the exploration of the Empire's Expansion Area and the First Contact other civilizations have with the Abwehran people. Because of this, the Weltraumflotte has the highest public profile of the Abwehran Armed Forces.

But even with all the policing and exploration duty, the Imperial Weltraumflotte is primarily a military organization. Trained the Space Combat, its Space Force is dedicated to the protection of the Empire and its people from any space-borne threat. While primarily a security force, its Marine Corp are always the first infantrymen in the action. Whether capturing pirate vessels or creating beach heads for invading planetary infantry, the Weltraumflotte Marine Corp are the Abwehran's most feared and dedicated infantry.

Basic Information

Order of Battle

Basic Organization

Permanent Formations

Ranking and Pay

ranks.jpg Rank Pin Chart


Rate Rank Pay
O9 Admiral 5000C
O8 VizeAdmiral 4500C
O7 Konteradmiral 3000C
O6 Kommodore 2000C
O5 Hauptmann 1500C
O4 Befehlshaber 1350C
O3 Oberleutnant 1300C
O2 Leutnant 1250C
O1 Oberfaehnirch 1200C

Warrant Officers:

Rate Rank Pay
W2 Oberstabsfeldwebel 1350C
W1 Stabsfeldwebel 1200C


Rate Rank Pay
E6 Stabsbootsmann 900C
E5 Hauptbootsmann 750C
E4 Oberbootsmann 600C
E3 Bootsmann 300C
E2 Maat 75C

Character Creation

Starting the Process

To create a soldier in the Abwehran Weltraumflotte, players must begin in the CCG. While the Weltraumflotte is primarily Abwehran, it does allow other species under the Immigration Act of AF 260. This means that any non-Abwehran characters would probably join the Weltraumflotte to gain citizenship in the Abwehran Star Empire.

Players would then need to work a their characters' personality, background, and skills. Skills for a player character are determined by a character's occupation and the basic military skills they gain from training. For basic information on Abwehran Military Training, please read Abwehran Military Training and Skills. Basic Military skills can be found at the bottom of the page linked. Occupational based skills can be found in the Occupations section of this page.

For Abwehran players, character history is dealt with differently than with backgrounds of other species. Since Abwehr has been isolated from the rest of the galaxy until roughly four standard years ago, the Abwehrans have their own timeline of past events. Because of this, Abwehran characters are able to have a much more detailed background and are encouraged to have background detailing family relations and events from their past. However, it is also encouraged that events be of a non-military nature. While the Abwehrans have a very militaristic backstory, they haven't fought an actual war in approximately 40 standard years. This means new recruit characters can be influenced by the events of the dreaded Pirate War, but would not have actually been a participant of it.


Space Forces


An essential part of any military, the Command Occupation can only be reached through dedication and experience, not immediately from the academy. It takes a keen mind of strategy, tactics, and diplomacy to reach this state as well as a cool head. The forces of His Majesty's Weltraumflotte doesn't need a hot-head captain after all. The following are positions within the Command Occupation that many can reach.

The only two positions open for the Command Department are the Ship Commander (known as Captain) and the Fleet Commander (Admiral). Both positions are GM-only in nature and don't require any skills above they get after Basic, Officer's Training, and their previous occupation.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Ship Commander Officer's Training Skills GM-only
Fleet Commander Knowledge (Interstellar Politics) GM-only1)

The fact-finders, the personnel responsible for giving a good commander the proper information necessary to formulate sound strategy. Though you will normally find these people in a Group Commander's staff, there are some who serve Ship Commander with just as much honor.

The only occupation in this department is the Operations Officer, the focal point for all operational planning. His Captain may come up with the idea, but it's the Operations Officer who does the grunt work (as much grunt work an officer can do). His main job is to work with logistics and the rest of the departments on board a ship. The Operations Officer is often found as the vessel's Executive Officer.

Required Skill: Knowledge (Operational Planning and Logistics)

Starship Operation

The arms of the Ship Commander, these are the bridge officers/specialists who follow their Mistress' every command. They run the ships systems and can specialize in just one system or multiple if necessary.

The Astrogator is the equivalent of the Navy's Navigator and is normally paired with a Helmsman. Charting courses throughout the stars with the help of the ship's computer, she is the specialist to count on to cut time off travels and shave distances that many computers would dread executing.

The specialist responsible for all that goes on within a ships hanger, a Boat Bay Controller (or Crew Boss) commands controls the hanger bay systems. Nothing is allowed to leave without the Ship Commander and the Crew Boss' permission and to do so is to invite both their wrath.

The operator to the outside world, the Communications Operator is responsible for the management of all communications inside and outside the ship. Private, public, top-secret, they all go through her. It is also rumored that communications operators are put through more training from the Nachrichtendienst in encryption/decryption methods as well as training to resist various tortures, but most operators don't even bat an eye towards this gossip.

Charged with the operation of detection systems and electronic warfare systems, the Electronics Operator also double as a Computer Specialist.

The Tactical Operator is the specialist responsible for ship offensive and defensive systems, she is the sword arm and shield arm of the vessel. She targets whatever the Ship Commander orders and fires weapons when necessary.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Astrogator Knowledge (Sub-light/FTL Navigation), Starship Ops (Navigation Systems) Standard
Boat Bay Controller Starship Ops(Launching Facilities) NPC
Communications Operator Comm (Ship Comms and Cryptography), Starship Ops (Ships Comms) Standard
Electronics Operator Starship Ops (Detection and EW), Tech Ops (Adv. Computing Technology) Standard
Tactical Operator Starship Ops (Offensive/Defensive Systems) Standard

Those who keep things working, the Engineers are the lifeline of the ship. Without them, things would just fall apart around a stunned crew. They are also the ones who gripe the most with constant chatter of how people should take better care of their things.

Armorers are a specialized position revolving around the upkeep of Marine Power Armor, these specialists are important to a Marine Contingent.

During combat situations on large vessels, an engineer is often too busy managing super critical systems to deal with other system that are damaged. For the other major systems on a ship, a damage control specialist is needed to bring the technicians focus. Only found on larger vessels, a Damage Control Specialist can mean the difference between survival or destruction.

The Engineer is the brains behind an engineering department of a ship. There is normally at least three Engineers on board a vessel with even more populating the larger ships.

A Machinist is specialized position involving the fabrication of ship parts for other technicians. This position requires the least amount of thinking due to the fact that machinists are only responsible for making ship parts based upon designs already created.

Mechanics are involved in the repair and maintenance of strike craft. They are normally under the direction of both the Boat Bay Controller and whatever Engineer is present.

The standard of all engineering departments, the Technician is the jack of all trades when it comes to repairing systems. He can work on ships, small craft, armor, anything. Without the trusty technician, nothing would get done. Though on larger ships, Technicians are mainly responsible for the upkeep of ship systems.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Armorer Maintenance/Repair (Powered Armor and Infantry Equipment) Standard
Damage Control Specialist Maintenance/Repair (Ship Systems and Damage Control) Standard
Engineer Maintenance/Repair (Ship Systems), Knowledge (Material Management) Standard
Machinist Construction (System Parts), Tech Ops (Fabrication Equipment) NPC
Mechanic Maintenance/Repair (Small Craft) Standard
Technician Maintenance/Repair (Ship Systems, Small Craft, Powered Armor, Equipment) Standard

The intellectuals of any ship, these people are responsible for not only the well-being of the crew, but for researching the unknown.

The person responsible for healing the sick and wounded, a Doctor is required aboard all ships of the Imperial Weltraumflotte. Leaving without a doctor on board is actually a court-martial offense for some Ship Commanders.

What most civilians call a 'nurse', a Medical Technician is specifically charged with assisting a ship's doctor in all manners of medicine. Though not certified as a doctor in their own right, they can attend to basic medical problems as a few major ones as well.

A student of science, the Scientist is responsible for researching new and unknown things found by starships. Though not very common aboard ships, they are required to be on ships on exploration missions.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Doctor Medical (General Practitioning and Surgical Procedures) Standard
Medical Technician Medical (First Aid, Surgery Assisting, Basic Practitioning) Standard
Scientist Science, Chemistry, Biology (Xenobiology) Standard

The least appreciated personnel on a ship, they are responsible for a variety of important functions from feeding the crew and caring for a person's mind to inventorying a ship supply and distributing anything needed.

A combination of ship's cook and ship's counselor, the Caretaker are probably the most sociable. Though not thought of as important by the majority of the crew, they are often the most well-liked.

The Clerk is the administrative records keeper and responsible for the filing of reports and papers.

Probably the least liked positions on a ship, the Duty Quartermasters are responsible for inventory and distribution on board a vessel.

Logistics Officers are officers in charge of ship supplies and the management of their use. She is also responsible for the resupply of those supplies. Adept Logistics Officers are good at scavenging for the necessary supplies in desperate times.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Caretaker Culinary and Domestic 2) Standard
Clerk None NPC
Duty Quartermaster Knowledge (Inventory Management), Math (Accounting) NPC
Logistics Officer Knowledge (Inventory Management and Procurement), Rogue (Scavenging) Standard
Aerospace Corp

The pilots of the Weltraumflotte, they will always be there to fly you anywhere you wish. Unless they're a fighter jockey, then chances are you don't want to be on the same craft they are.

The hotshots of the Aerospace Corp, these guys are the ones who are idolized by civilians and dreaded by skippers everywhere. Though they are called Fighter Pilots, these people can fly any small craft currently in the Imperial Weltraumflotte.

Group Leaders are comprised of Squadron Commanders, Wing Commanders, and Element Leaders. These people encompass all leadership positions when it comes to strike craft.

Ones who pilot the larger vessels, the Helmsmen are the least idolized and are rarely even thought of. But they are the most important crew members of a ship.

Occupation Required Skills Required Level of Player
Fighter Pilots Vehicles (Aerospace Craft) Standard
Group Leaders Military (Tactics) Standard
Helmsman Starship Ops (Helm Controls) Standard

Marine Corps

The ship board infantry and security, the marines of the Weltraumflotte are the toughest people on board. Specialized in boarding operations and orbital infantry drops, these are the most feared soldiers in the Abwehran Empire. On board a ship, Marines are charged with taking manual control of shipboard weaponry if connection were ever to be broken from tactical control.

All Marines add: Tech Ops (Ship Weaponry) to their skill list.

Armor Operator

The Heavy Infantry of the Abwehran Armed Forces, the Armor Operators are highly trained and skilled individuals in the use of combat Powered Armor.

Armor Operators add: Fighting (Powered Armor)

Combat Engineer

Though not found much is small fire teams, they're definitely found within a normal roster of a Marine company. With the brains and brawn to bridge or decimate any obstacles in their path, Combat Engineers are needed to keep a force continuing on their charge.

Combat Engineers add: Demolitions (Explosives) and Engineering (Problem Solving)


With combat comes injury, but the noble and reliable corpman will always be their to patch the marines up and send them on their way.

Corpsman add: Medical (Emergency First Aid)

Group Leader

With a mind for tactics and the brute force to lead the nastiest groups of soldiers in the Imperial Armed Forces, a Marine Group Commander will always be there no matter how small the group is.

Group Leaders add: Military (Tactics)

Heavy Weapons Specialist

With at least one or two per squad, the Heavy Weapons Specialist is there when you need to bring down the Hammer upon anyone.

Heavy Weapon Specialists add: Fighting (Heavy Weapons) and Demolitions (Explosives)


Stealthily and quietly, one shot one kill is their creed. If you happen upon one, there will always be another because they travel in groups of two. One as the sniper and one as the spotter, but that doesn't mean the spotter isn't just as good as a sniper.

Marksmen add: Fighting (Marksmanship) and Military (Stealth/Camouflage)


The basic rifleman comes a dime a dozen. They will always be there, no matter what. They do not need any extra skills.

locked currently
Humanities (Psychology) is optional