Heavy Tri-Armor

With the need for Capital Ships on the rise in the Weltraumflotte, Kaiserlich F&E went about developing a new armor specifically for them. Using the Nerimium found in Station Tri-Armor, the engineers in Kaiserlich F&E created Heavy Tri-Armor.

The composition of Heavy Tri-Armor follows many of its predecessors except for the first layer. The very first layer is action a triple-layer of its own. Using two thin layers of Nerimium, the Abwehrans create a vacuum in between the two pieces to create the first true layer of armor. This acts much like the old Steel armor designs of old for planetary warfare, when it was two plates of steel separated out by a few centimeters.

The second layer is the typical tungsten-ceramic composite of all Tri-layer armors, used to protect against energy attacks. The final and innermost layer is that of the light Durandium Alloy which makes the Heavy Tri-Armor significantly lighter compared to the Station Tri-Armor.

Ship Type Armor Type Modifier Average SP
Cruiser Heavy 1.0 30 Ship Sp
Light Capital Ship Heavy 1.0 35 Ship Sp
Carrier Heavy 1.0 40 Ship Sp
Battleship Heavy 1.0 45 Ship Sp
Dreadnought Heavy 1.0 50 Ship Sp