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Abwehran Skinsuit Mk II

Created in the Second Quarter of AF 260 (YE 32), the Skinsuit Mk II is the latest incarnation of the original Abwehran Skinsuit.

About the Skinsuit Mk II

An environmental suit for naval personnel, Skinsuit Mk II was design to provide protection against the vacuum of space and light radiation protection.


With the original Abwehran Skinsuit design becoming ancient in terms of lifespan, Kaiserlich F&E began to work on two separate designs. The Skinsuit Mk II is an environmental suit specifically designed for naval personnel. Design and testing was completed in the early months of AF 260's Second Quarter (YE 32)).

Organization Using This Suit: Weltraumflotte Type: Environmental/Space Suit Nomenclature: KWB-G2-1a Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturers: Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer


The design of the Skinsuit Mk II is similar to the Operator Suit except for the additions of:

Lead Lining

A lining of lead, which is commonly found in medical lead vests/sheets, is sandwiched in between insulating layer and thermoplastic pressure layers of the suit to provide a measure of radiation protection. DR: 1 PDR.

Magnetic Boot Soles

An superconductor magnet located in the sole of the boot enables personnel to walk upon a starships hull. This keeps naval personnel on EVAs from floating away from the ship to be lost forever. Controlling the magnetic boots can be done from a wrist computer.

Wrist Computer

A small CU-23 located on the right forearm. This computer allows the user to control the magnetic boots of his suit.