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Operator Suit

Created in the Second Quarter of AF 260 (YE 32), the Operator Suit is a multi-purpose suit for pilots and drivers operating planetary vehicles, strike craft, and powered armor.

About the Operator Suit

An environmental suit for pilots and drivers, the Operator Suit is design to increase a pilot/driver's survivability and control of their craft.


With the original Abwehran Skinsuit design becoming ancient in terms of lifespan, Kaiserlich F&E began to work on two separate designs. The Operator Suit is an environmental suit specifically designed for pilots and drivers of both planetary vehicles and aerospace strike craft. Design and testing was completed in the early months of AF 260's Second Quarter (YE 32)).

Organization Using This Suit: Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) Type: Environmental Suit/Dedicated Operation Suit Nomenclature: KWB-G1-1a Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturers: Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer



To protect the individual from the elements and vacuum, the suit is comprised of several thin layers of material. The inner-most layer of the suit is a skin-tight thermoplastic polymer and is responsible for applying pressure to the body while in a vacuum. This allows the Operator Suit to be much thinner than civilian space suits involving air pressure. The next layer is a insulating layer used to keep the user at a livable temperature. The outer-most layer is a cover for the rest of the suit.

Anti-G Force System

A series of gel packs in between the insulation and thermoplastic layers, the Anti-G Force System is used to keep the blood pumping to the user's brain. This is done by allowing G-Forces to press the gel down to the legs to restrict blood flow towards the feet.

Air Recycling System

The small pack on the chest of the suit is a small filtration system used to scrub carbon dioxide from the suit's air to allow the user valuable air. This is normally shut down when the suit is connected to the operator's vehicle. When not connected, the Air Recycling System can operate for 24 hours before it shuts down.

Liquid Waste Recycling System

Not only is the gel in the Anti-G Force System good at its primary job, it is also a valuable filtration system. Using a catheter system, liquid waste is drained through the gel packs of the suit and sent to a specialized storage area in the chest pack to contain drinkable water. Everything else is pumped from the filters and through a pair of connectors on the back of the hips. These connectors attach to a pilot/drivers seat and send the remains of waste to storage tanks in the vehicle.


The Operator Suit has a short-range Radio, but relies on the vehicle/powered armor for communications.


An integral part of the Operator Suit, the helmet has a visual Heads-Up Display built into its faceplate to provide the pilot/driver with vehicle information. This information can be organized to a users specifications using the vehicles computer systems. Outside of a vehicle, the HUD only displays vital information revolving around the user and suit.

Power Source

Located in the chest pack, a series of two rechargeable, nuclear batteries is responsible for powering the suit when it is not attached to its host vehicle. Using a Nuclear Battery, the Operator Suit can stay powered for a full 48 hours using all its functions. It's lifespan is increased when just concentrating on life supporting functions (about 76 hours).

Outer Surface


The belt of the Operator Suit has several pouches built into the design and optional sections that can be added when needed.

Maneuvering Jets

The Maneuvering Jets are not really jets in a since as they are cans of compressed air with attitude. These can be attached to the belt if necessary, but do not initially come attached.

Pistol Holster

Another optional pouch, this allows a driver to carry her standard issued pistol.


Used to hold spare batteries, the belt pouches can also hold other small items.