KWB-D3-2601a Laser Designator

An attachment for the MDR-08 Battle Rifle developed in AF 260 YE 34 by Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer, the Laser Designator attaches directly to the top of the Rifle. The whole purpose of the device is to project a targeting laser upon an object for artillery and aerospace craft to lock onto a fitting target for their weapons. This process normally requires concise and well-timed communication between the two forces in order to work.

The laser designator itself draws upon the battle rifle's battery and doesn't consume a lot of power to produce its low-powered, non-damaging, target laser. Targeting data from the laser is transmitted through either the AAF Light Infantry Armor or Jäger Heavy Infantry Armor communication systems. The device is operated by a switch on the side marked with a red button.