Standard Flag Bridge

Dedicated to the command and control of a squadron or combat group rather than a single vessel, the Standard Flag Bridge is extremely similar to the Standard Large Warship Bridge. However, instead of six pits, it has four pits and a Group Commander's platform.

The four pits are placed in four cardinal directions around the platform. The Forward Pit contains Strategic Operations with a Strategic Officer and two supporting enlisted. There is also a holographic tank display to aid the Strategic planning of operations. The Aft Pit is devoted to Astrogation with its own holographic tank display for group navigation and a similar set up in personnel (one officer and two supporting enlisted). Port and Starboard Pits are dedicated to Communications and Detection respectively and have the same personnel set up as the other two pits. The Commander's platform holds the Commander's chair and is exactly the same as a Ship Captain's Chair but has additional stations for the Chief of Staff, Flag Leutnant, and Intelligence Officer.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Only enlisted personnel have shifts.

Total Personnel: 16

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