Table of Contents

Abwehran Imperial Yards Capital Ships

A collection of Capital Ships built by the Abwehran Imperial Yards.

Heavy Capital Ships

Vessels that are the center of their respective tactical groups and are normally over 700 meters in length.

???-class Dreadnought Currently in Design Phase. An Abwehran Siege Vessel used to lay siege to enemy held worlds.
Kaisarine-class Fleet Carrier Currently in the Design Phase. A massive Carrier that is critical to the system defense of Abwehran sovereignty.
???-class Battleship Currently in the Design Phase. A massive combat vessel that is central to Abwehran Battle Groups.

Light Capital Ships

???-Flagship Currently in the Design Phase. The mobile headquarters of an Abwehran Fleet during War Time.
Wahrheit-class Battlecruiser Built in conjunction with Dietrich Starkwerk, the Wahrheit is the first Abwehran Capital Ship to be designed.
???-class Escort Carrier Currently in the Design Phase. A Carrier designed to escort Fleet Carriers and Heavy Capital Ships, the Escort Carrier has much more weaponry than its Fleet Counterpart.


???-class Fleet Cruiser Currently in the Design Phase. A Cruiser designed to work in tandem with other Fleet Assets, the ??? is meant to fight in no less than Division strength.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/11 08:17 by Abwehran Commander.