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VCE Backup

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VCE Backup is an experimental process developed with the Virtual Collective Experience it serves as a method of identity preservation It became available in YE 37.

About the VCE Backup

The VCE Backup is an inexpensive version of Soul Transfer that works on digital and non-digital minds. It is used to create a sequential backup of the individual's memories and personality. The process for creating and downloading the backup is longer. There is also a period of time for an individual with a non-digital brain to adjust to the memories.


During the development of the the VCE and exploring its use as a training aid, it wad discovered that it could be used as a way to backup and restore a person's identity. After a number of trials a working prototype was developed. However, given the availability of Soul Transfer in Yamatai Star Empire it was considered a more viable option to sell outside of the empire.

Of course the system is ideal for those individuals who want to ensure the continuation of their consciousness, but do not want to rely on the government. Obviously the system does not create a new body; the individual has to make separate arrangements for that.


The VCE Backup requires the following VCE components:

Creating a backup

Creating a quality backup takes 20 minutes per 10 years of life. Emotional state of the subject can affect the quality of the backup, for this reason a general sedative is recommended to leave the subject in a calm state. Note subjects in a extreme emotional state tend to experience a longer dissonance with stronger fully sensory flashbacks.


At the time of creation, a basic template is created for the recovery which includes basic personal data, name, family member names and relationships, and basic data.

Installing a backup

VCE backup is designed to download a backup landscape into a newly grown body. The download takes 30 minutes per 10 years of life. The backup is loaded sequentially. When the subject is awakened they have complete access to the Template. They know who they are, but the memories are not immediately accessible.

The subject has cognitive dissonance while their brain slowly reintegrates the neural pathways to the implanted memories. Dissonance only happens with non-digital brains.

Some subjects experience a sense of I have these memories but they aren't mind during the cognitive dissonance

During the dissonance the individual can experience full sensory flashbacks lasting typically a second or two. Normally these are triggered by a sensory stimulant; a scent, sound, image. High stress or strong emotions can trigger longer full sensory flashbacks. These can last 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Dissonance typically lasts 1 day per year of life to clear up.