Starfighter Mini Missiles

Made by Origin Industries starting in YE 31, Starfighter Mini-missiles serve both a defensive and offensive purpose for almost any starfighter or small craft.


Built to fit any budget or mission profile, Origin's Starfighter Mini-missiles are a multi-purpose design with multiple types available.

Origin Starfighter Mini-missile Damage Quickchart
Ammunition DR Tier Description Price per 100
High Explosive (Unguided) Tier 4 Standard rounds, these are proximity-detonated and will only detonate within range of a target 250 KS
Particle Cloud Tier 0 entirely defensive, these release a high-energy particle cloud, obscuring and confusing sensors and self-guided warheads. These disperse into a 50-meter cloud. 250 KS
Electromagnetic Pulse Tier 4 1) EMP missiles send out pulses of high-frequency electromagnetic charges causing electronics damage and possible disabling of systems 250 KS
Antimatter (Unguided) Tier 5 Small antimatter rounds that are proximity detonated. Work by cancelling out matter, causing damage to anything, even Zesuaium. 625 KS
High Explosive (Self-guided) Tier 4 Same as high-explosive, except self-guided. They will seek out targets and make an active attempt to hit them 500 KS
Antimatter (Self-guided) Tier 5 same as regular antimatter, except self-guided. These missiles seek out targets and actively attempt to hit them 875 KS

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2020/03/29 18:02.

versus shields and electronics