Evolutionary Targeting System

The ETS is an advanced program designed for military hardware, designed by the minds at NovaCorp. At its simplest level it consists of an Evolutionary Algorithm which controls many features of the weapon (under the direction of the ships computer or commander).

The Evolutionary Algorithm functions by taking the sensory data from the targets shields, hull, composition and shape (as well as stored data on previous movements, psychological analysis and previous encounters) and uses it to run several million scenarios in a fraction of a second (something allowed by the extremely advanced nature of the computers used). In these scenarios it uses all possible modulations, variations and different targets and keeps the combinations which are efficient - then combining these in a multi-tier approach which ends up with the most efficient combination, which most likely would not have been reached by a human.

The ETS greatly increases the efficiency, accuracy and damage potential of a weapon but it requires great computational power which limits it to starships - however it can function for all varieties of torpedoes, missiles, mines, projectiles and beam weaponry.

The ETS is currently slated to be introduced onto NovaCorp vehicles, pending notable interest by another entity.